  1.      about university
    just got home from university.
    9 years ago  
    yanHae15 hi @Noor ! have u read my post on you a few days ago???
    9 years ago
    NOOR No I haven't. I'll check it now
    9 years ago
  2.      about university
    I have to go back again tomorrow T_T
    9 years ago  
    Ryan Morning~~
    9 years ago
    Ellyn to my university I have to get papers but half day wasn't enough T_T Morning oppa~
    9 years ago
  3.      about university
    anyone know about studying korean language program in korea's university??
    10 years ago  
    Ryan sorry no idea~ why don't you googling?
    10 years ago
    chendae I found one program in Seoul university tho, just wanna ask someone who knows better hohoho thanks anyway
    10 years ago
  4. Recommenders: samlad other 3
         about University

    I was strolling around my old uni and the area last Sunday. It was a hot hot day. I got darker by 120% Very well-done...close to burnt!

    10 years ago  
    연주 @미카 고마워~^^
    10 years ago
    Ryan 짱이네 진짜!!
    10 years ago
  5. Recommender: Blossom
         about university

    I am officially enrolled at the University!
    I need to wait they put my time in the system! Honor the Lord God of Abraham, because then He would be known forevermore. For having blessed me with great blessing!

    10 years ago  
    Blossom  Congratulations!
    10 years ago
    Jio ~ Thanks!
    10 years ago
  6.      about university
    I'll need to study hard in the first half. I will start late. But I will not think about that now.
    I did not want to study. But maybe someday it gives me good fruit?
    10 years ago  
  7.      about university
    Waiting call me to make registration! I need to think about the people. Thankfully, some people I know are also studying at the same university!
    10 years ago  
    Ryan Fighting!!
    10 years ago
    Jio ~ Thank you!!
    10 years ago
  8.      about university
    Happy and unfortunately little lacking to register for university!
    10 years ago  
    Jay 재 Strange = Good
    10 years ago
    Jio ~ Oh, that sounds good.
    10 years ago
  9.      about university
    I got scholarship to the best university paid of my state!
    10 years ago  
    Djara wow! congrats
    10 years ago
    Indra Woah Gio!!!! Congrats!!!!
    10 years ago
  10. Recommender: IndraMex
         about University
    I already got penalty, while reading I have a term of 15 years to pay the bank credit with which study... Well, everything is about to finish my college degree... tomorrow I'm going to register for my last semester...화이팅, 화이팅 for my!
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린 Konsuello, fighting!
    10 years ago
    콘수엘로 Thanks Sam, as always to fight... love to all...
    10 years ago
  11.      about university
    first class of the upcoming semester,want to put a big amont of energy on it
    10 years ago  
    sepidar or i'd better say: 감사합니다 ^_^
    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  12. Recommender: ryan
         about university

    lol, on the right side of the screen there is an advertisement for my University, it can not be me pursues haha

    10 years ago  
    Ryan I see online game ads now
    10 years ago
    콘수엘로  hahahaha
    10 years ago
  13.      about University
    In my way to the university ~~~
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린 Take care~~~
    10 years ago
    HAPPY see you Take care
    10 years ago
  14.      about University
    I have break now until 1 o'clock now it's 100
    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Enjoy your break!
    10 years ago
    Sam 박셔린 Spam time!!! at least for half hour? mannn...3 hours to kill?
    10 years ago
  15.      about university
    Dear my friends, I have a question to you.
    In Korean university, I have to take the courses which are not included in my major. We call it "교양 수업".
    How do you call this kind of courses in English?
    10 years ago  
    alina These are "elective courses" or "general education courses"~~~
    10 years ago
    Sam 박셔린 Agree with Alina They're your elective couses and some are Pre-requisites to your core courses
    10 years ago
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