Jay 재이
1637 Minds
341 Friends
  1.      about 한국어

    Trying to start my Korean studies again properly now I have the time. This was my second session, I'm remembering things more quickly than I expected. It gets harder with the 4th section though

    8 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 Excellent!!
    8 years ago
    Ryan 오....
    8 years ago
  2.      about Job
    Got a job!
    8 years ago  
    최야스권  축하해
    8 years ago
    Kay congrats!
    8 years ago
  3.      about Hot
    Up to 30°C for the last few days which makes a change from the usual <10°C and rain
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    최야스권 take care
    8 years ago
  4.      about Job
    Just got back from an interview. I got a trail at a hotel bar / restaurant next week. I need a job alongside my Master's degree!
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 good luck
    8 years ago
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Good luck ^_^
    8 years ago
  5.      about 심심해요
    I have two hours free and I don't know what to do.
    8 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @sakuraboice
    8 years ago
    Selenne (셀레네) hi welcome back
    8 years ago
  6.      about 안녕
    Hi everyone! I have now finished my university degree and graduate next month so I'm back to studying Korean until my Masters Degree begins in a few months!
    I have to see how much Korean I can remember as it has been a while!
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    아비 Hi, Jay! Congratulations
    8 years ago
  7.      about Hi
    Hey everyone
    Looks like I came here on a good day
    8 years ago  
    Qing53 Hello Jay!
    8 years ago
    judith Hi jay
    8 years ago
  8.      about Busy
    My lectures today have been cancelled so I will go to the gym then to uni to work on my research project instead
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
  9.      about 안녕
    Morning everyone
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Good morning!
    8 years ago
  10.      about StillAwake
    Why am I never tired when I need to sleep... :-/
    8 years ago  
    Jay 재이 I'm just watching stupid stuff on YouTube and hoping I get tired soon haha
    8 years ago
    양 마리 (Mari) that can help too.. good luck
    8 years ago
  11.      about I'mBack
    Me every time I come back here: 'I'm going to make the effort to come here more often'
    Me now: Hey guys! I'm back and I promise to make the effort to come here more often!
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka That really sounds busy! I hope studies and everything goes well.
    8 years ago
    Jay 재이 Thanks, me too!
    8 years ago
  12.      about Hi
    Hey! How's everyone doing today?
    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    Rye•• Hello Jayim good,yourself?
    9 years ago
  13.      about KeepingBusy

    Seen as nobody wants to give me a job for summer, I upcycled a table for the kids at my mum's school.

    9 years ago  
    Soyeon cute Jay, well done
    9 years ago
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Nice job ^_^
    9 years ago
  14.      about Charity

    My boyfriend, my family and I attended a charity ball a few nights ago to raise money for a local cancer care charity. We raised a lot of money and had a great time too
    2 pictures of me and my boyfriend, Luke and a picture with my sister and parents

    9 years ago  
    NOOR Sounds great and nice photos
    9 years ago
    Ellyn niice
    9 years ago
  15.      about Back
    Me: says I will stick around MP more now I have time.
    Me: disappears for ages again and again
    Me: sucks
    9 years ago  
    Ryan welcome back~
    9 years ago
    양 마리 welcome back
    9 years ago
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