1607 Minds
160 Friends
  1.      about age
    i saw my profile info and left my age in 24 now 28 @@
    11 months ago  
    Ryan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    11 months ago
    yjgift Wow! 28 now? Time really flies!
    9 months ago
  2.      about Hello
    Hello mpfamily !!! I was talking with my family about you all and I found this place is still here!!! I really miss you all
    11 months ago  
    Ryan that's good~!! I've been doing good also~ How is living there? Prices are getting crazy here but salary.
    11 months ago
    judith well this year we have elections so since last year is have been crazy @_@, now i can understand more about how ppl make assumptions about prices so they rise everything and also we have economic issues bc of the fmi so we have to decide witch model we want to follow...
    If i have to tell you about how im doing in my city, is pretty well, idk i'm a therapist and i have clients.
    11 months ago
  3.      about Missyou
    I still have the MP app in my phone...
    3 years ago  
    Ryan Oh really??
    2 years ago
    judith Yes haha
    2 years ago
  4.      about Job
    요즘에 저는 일하고 있어요, 아직도 손님이많지 않아도 몇개 있지만 괜찮아요....
    3 years ago  
    Selenne (셀레네) Congratulations!!!
    2 years ago
    judith Thanks sele
    2 years ago
  5.      about Hello
    Hello MP friends, I'm like a zombie coming back ...
    3 years ago  
  6.      about 화이팅
    안녕하세요 친구들 ... 내일은 한국어시험을 볼게요.... 너무 떨려요...
    다들 좋은 주말 보내세요.... 내일 시험이 끝날때 어떻게 했어 알려드릴겠어요
    3 years ago  
    yjgift 시험 잘 보내요~
    3 years ago
  7.      about Hello
    hello, good saturday (here )... today i was a bit busy with class, but after a loong nap, i restarted my energy.... how is going your weekend so far??
    3 years ago  
    Ryan Hellow~~~
    3 years ago
  8. Recommender: Mika_ist08
         about Justsaying
    그리고 요즘에 MP친구 생각이 많이들어요.... 보고싶었어요...
    3 years ago  
    Ryan 한국어 많이 늘었네요
    3 years ago
    judith 고마워요 라이언씨 ... 아직도 Topik은 못 해봤어요, covid때문에... 그렇지만 내년 해볼께요... If the pandemic decrease, ppl from Argentina will make the topik exam... I'm between the first two ... But i'm insecure about how much i know....
    3 years ago
  9.      about Hello
    안녕 친구둘~ 어떻게 지냈어요... 저는 다음 토요일에 한국어시험 있을거고 너무 긴찬돼요... 아직도 공부하고있어요...
    3 years ago  
    Mika 하이 유디트 화이팅
    3 years ago
    judith 안녕 미카씨, 고마워
    3 years ago
  10.      about GoodEvening
    hello !!
    4 years ago  
    judith Thanks!!! have a great day
    4 years ago
    Mika Hello sis Judith
    4 years ago
  11.      about Morning
    hello!!... how is your week going?.. i've been mostly cooking this days... and i found that i'll start my korean class this saturday... i didin't study either so... i'll start today
    4 years ago  
    Ryan ㅋㅋ 화이팅!!!
    4 years ago
    Monique Cooking! What have you been cooking? Good luck on your Korean class!
    4 years ago
  12.      about Hello
    안녕하세요 친구들 I'm a ghost here but have a great Friday
    4 years ago  
    Monique Hiya Judith! Long time no chat! Have a wonderful and safe Friday to you! See you around
    4 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) my sweet capridear ghost you too
    4 years ago
  13.      about Hello
    hello MP family, how are u all? ... today i started to finish some homeworks and presentation to my class... is my first time been late ... my class ended 13days ago so late, but i have to send those to the teacher bc is part of my results
    4 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) aigoo i'm good and you capridear?
    4 years ago
    Ryan 화이팅!!
    4 years ago
  14.      about Hello
    hello !!!! i think i have insomnia...
    last night i was watching an story in ig, and the girl said "ppl who have insomnia hello" and i was no, i dont have it, i'm just sleep everyday at 2 or 3am.... and then i understand that maybe i have that, but i'm not sure
    4 years ago  
    4 years ago
    4 years ago
  15.      about Hello
    hello MP friends!! my life is kinda a mess now ... yestarday i took a nap, but woke up at 1 am ... i keep sleeping till today i woke up at 6 am
    4 years ago  
    Selenne (셀레네) I know that feeling
    Once i took a long nap and when i woke up I thought it was the next day morning
    4 years ago
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