  1.      about Busy
    Hello everyone sorry for the absence I've been very busy with work
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    NOOR Hello
    6 years ago
  2.      about busy
    Work work work... Plus I started to make tests for my next drawing project. Busy busy!
    6 years ago  
    최야스권 Fighting twinnie ❤
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thank you! :D
    6 years ago
  3.      about busy
    See ya'll later !!!
    7 years ago  
    Ryan See you~
    7 years ago
    Natasha see ya~
    7 years ago
  4.      about Busy
    This week was so so busy~
    I had to work more to compensate a free day, because I'm going to travel
    Noow I'll just rest.. finally~~
    7 years ago  
    Ryan have fun~~
    7 years ago
    Nancy enjoy !!
    7 years ago
  5.      about Busy
    This week is busy... Tomorrow I will take Amanda to the vet (dentist) and I will meet one course mate on Thursday. Then I continue work on Friday and perhaps on Saturday too!
    7 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) fighting!!
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thanks
    7 years ago
  6.      about Busy
    Today I've cleaned with mom, decorated the Christmas tree, played with Amanda a lot and bathed Onni.
    7 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I've been chillin' after shower so I'm good.
    7 years ago
    양 마리 good good
    7 years ago
  7.      about busy
    Sorry that I haven't been here a lot lately. I just try to concentrate on sorting my work load and try to figure out ways to earn more money.
    7 years ago  
    Ryan 화이팅!!!
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka @Oppa Thank you!
    7 years ago
  8.      about Busy
    My head is a mess... I feel like I have no time to do everything and I keep forgetting stuff... Let's make a list!
    7 years ago  
    Eveline i feel the same sometimes.. a list would be helpful!!
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka I do schedule. But some work is my own and when client work appears I have to put it aside because client work is more important. Even if my own work is in a hurry too.
    I made a list and got to tick one task out of it so I feel a bit better.
    7 years ago
  9.      about Busy
    Working working~~
    7 years ago  
    wataru Fighting ~~ and Have a wonderful day
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Thank you, @Wataru!
    7 years ago
  10.      about busy
    See Ya'll later
    7 years ago  
    Ryan See you~~~
    7 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 later
    7 years ago
  11.      about Busy
    Gotta go
    See y'all later
    7 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 For vaccinate again??? What??? are u sure??
    7 years ago
    Eveline See ya
    7 years ago
  12.      about busy
    ME too busy busy
    In and Out
    7 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 Me 3
    See u later
    7 years ago
  13.      about Busy
    Morning I'll be busy today. If you don't see me here, don't worry
    Did 'ryan' steal sakuraboice's Emerald?
    7 years ago  
    Ryan Yes!!!
    7 years ago
    양 마리 ryan
    7 years ago
  14.      about busy
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Hi Maya!
    8 years ago
    Sammy 한나, 안녕!
    8 years ago
  15.      about busy
    Me too
    8 years ago  
    siham aiigo fighting !!
    8 years ago
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