Gio, Ladri...
1525 Minds
256 Friends
  1.      about event
    6 years ago  
    Gio, Ladris (Giovana) I am hahaha
    6 years ago
    Glory C Girls rock~ ;)
    6 years ago
  2.      about event

    I participated in the NVIDIA stand. it was really cool because they managed to gather more than 100 girls playing! I liked very much.

    6 years ago  
  3. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about event

    I did my first trip alone to São Paulo, to go to a gaming event (BGS - Brasil Game Show) and meet some people I had already met on the internet doing the streams

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Cool! That must have been a nice trip!
    6 years ago
  4.      about hi
    OMG! I'm back
    how are you guys? my life is crazy. I graduated from college 1 year ago and started to do streams with the cell phone and I thought it would not work until I met some fantastic people.
    I disappear and appear, I disappear and I appear here frequently. forgive me. I can not stay so online and update my profiles nowhere. I think I stopped liking these things, especially now that I'm pretty much forced to stay online
    I always see your updates and I keep thinking about sending a message, but I think "maybe they do not remember me anymore".
    my dream is still to go to South Korea and Japan. I do not know if I will ever get it, but it's good to have dreams that move us.
    love u
    6 years ago  
    Glory C Hey~ Don't worry~ I'm sure one day you'll do them all
    6 years ago
    Ryan Welcome back
    6 years ago
  5. Recommenders: kwanning0606 other 3
         about graduation

    Hiiii!!! last night was my graduation! I am very happy, I hope finally to realize my dreams. miss you. I love you.

    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
     congrats~~long time no see btw
    7 years ago
  6.      about moba
    good afternoon
    I started playing DOTA 2 recently, and I would like to know if anyone here knows someone who plays or if someone here plays.
    8 years ago  
    8 years ago
    양 마리 never played it~
    8 years ago
  7. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about happy
    hi, I'm very happy because I'm living wonderful days in my life. I recently had the opportunity to go to a studio and learn a little more about music and live old dreams. Here's a video of a little of what I'm living these days. It seems like I'm in an episode of Nana. I'm so happy for this!
    8 years ago  
    Jio (Giovana) thanks I'm really very happy with everything!
    8 years ago
    Sammy We're so glad to hear that you are happy, Jio
    8 years ago
  8. Recommender: Nancy001
         about vacation
    How are you?
    I'm with a new page on fb.
    I'll post some thoughts and experiences there I'm posting in portuguese and some in english too but not every day.
    I finished the semester of classes here in Brazil, so now I'm on vacation! I will try to keep them updated at all when I have opportunities to use the computer (I am without cell phone).
    luv ya
    WhatsApp: +55 14 997279406
    8 years ago  
  9.      about happy
    Happy MP birthday!!
    8 years ago  
    Jio (Giovana) hi Mari
    8 years ago
    Ryan hi hi~
    8 years ago
  10.      about question
    I need some help...
    Anyone know about any exchange project? Any cultural project with foreign students or something with teachers? If anyone knows anything and if you can send me the site link, thank you in advance.
    8 years ago  
  11. Recommenders: Nancy001 other 2
         about passport

    Today I went to get my passport! I am so happy!

    8 years ago  
    Qing53 That's great! Hope you will be able to travel soon
    8 years ago
    Sammy Congratulations!!
    8 years ago
  12.      about Hi
    Hello guys!! how are you? Okay, I need to update you. I'm in my senior year of college (thank God) so it's very tiring and tiring. I am exhausted by the amount of work I have to do and present. Not to mention that I need to start my next project for next year, after all the college does not end when it ends. I have several plans for next year and I hope I can live some of them in reality. Now my birthday is coming and I need to think about how I came to the present age with this childlike mentality and how much I need to change (actually grow). Are so many issues that involve the future, decisions that need to be made today, so that tomorrow I realize my dreams. I hope I have wisdom for this. Love you! I am missing you a lot. xoxo
    8 years ago  
    Jio (Giovana) I hope that next year I can visit some of you personally. That would really be a reason for great joy. Love you.
    8 years ago
    Nancy Hello there !!
    8 years ago
  13.      about english
    I was asking my friend why some words use s in the end when we are talking in simple present?
    I don't understand yet
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I don't know why they do it in English but it happens only when using he/she/it pronouns. "I eat" vs. "She eats".
    8 years ago
  14.      about english
    Hii Okay so let's start the English mode kkk This Tuesday my teacher said to us (my friends and me) "you talk a lot" .. And I said "do you think?" Kkk and we laughed and she looked at me and repeated "you think"... gave a low chuckle and asked if we were in doubt about something.
    She's so amazing...
    8 years ago  
    Ryan Hi! Welcome back~
    8 years ago
    Jio (Giovana) Thanks Oppa
    8 years ago
  15.      about Hi
    Hello everybody!!
    I'm studying English at college now. And my professor is the best but so stupid... I'm afraid of her
    I need help to learn how to write and speak
    So please teache me who can
    8 years ago  
    NOOR I wish I can help you with that but we're too far away
    8 years ago
    Jio (Giovana) no problem thanks
    8 years ago
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