  1.      about books
    Today I bought 2 books to learn Czech...
    8 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 Good luck, don't be lazy to read them
    8 years ago
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Hope I won't
    8 years ago
  2.      about books

    I'm not a big reader..but i have some books..

    8 years ago  
    양 마리 YES! an encyclopedia of animals
    8 years ago
    8 years ago
  3.      about books
    “This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”
    8 years ago  
    Ryan welcome back~ I sent friend request to you
    8 years ago
    Sammy Welcome back to MindPasta
    8 years ago
  4.      about Books

    Look at all my books

    8 years ago  
  5.      about books

    Books ❤ hanging on the ceiling :D

    8 years ago  
    NOOR Cool
    8 years ago
  6.      about books
    I saw I have this book that is based on a tv show that is based on a couple of stories from the Bible that I haven't read yet It's pretty good so far, it tells a couple of stories from the Bible in a simpler way
    9 years ago  
  7.      about books
    Any good book recommendations?
    9 years ago  
    Ellyn oh no I can't read arabic
    9 years ago
    Maya13 Harry Potter The Lord of the Rings. Those are my favorite book series The letter for the king by Tonke Dragt, it's originally a Dutch book but I think I've seen English translations. All of her books are pretty great really. Looking for Alaska by John Green.
    9 years ago
  8.      about books

    저는 이 책 읽는 입니다

    9 years ago  
    Ryan 읽는 입니다 : 읽는 중입니다
    9 years ago
  9.      about books
    I just finished Stephen King's 'Colorado Kid' and it was refreshing. 좋아요
    9 years ago  
  10.      about books
    My boss lend me her learning Korean book. She's Korean and I don't know why she has it but anyways it made my day
    9 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka That's nice! Happy learning! Kkk~
    9 years ago
  11.      about books
    reading books= punishment especially when someone orders you to read it and write
    summary of the story when i was student the teacher order us to read books and do this but i 've never did it hhh i researched and found out movies related to books watched them i didn't wasted my time
    but now i love to read books
    9 years ago  
    I_Shadow @W smart wife should ask about the histories of her H forget it HAJAHAHAHSH
    @Blossom i used to do it from times to times too
    9 years ago
    I_Shadow @W i mean "shouldn't"
    9 years ago
  12.      about books
    I need help, I just finished reading "Me before you" by JoJo Mayos, and there is book#2 "After you" but I can't find it anywhere online. Can u help me ! does anyone have it ?
    Ask ppl u may know, spread the word..
    Plz plz plz plzzzzz plzzzzz plzzzzz ..
    9 years ago  
    NOOR Mmm sorry
    9 years ago
    Qing53 I'll ask my cousin & friends about it
    9 years ago
  13. Recommender: noor
         about books

    This book is driving me nuts. I don't really like romance but daaaaaaang. I should have read this when I bought this waaaaaaaay before.

    9 years ago  
    Lyra 김리세 Hahaha oh how true! If we must, then we shall learn from him a good deal of insults we could use at work.
    Hanna, oh please do! Then there will be three people here with the Jane Austen effect
    9 years ago
    xolovewei yes! It will be our secret Lyra!
    9 years ago
  14. Recommender: ryan
         about books

    General cleaning!
    All the books are mine. Also, those two white box is filled with my books as well.

    9 years ago  
    Sammy (박서린) Are you done cleaning now?
    9 years ago
    Lyra 김리세 eomma, yep! Kkkk
    9 years ago
  15.      about books
    I can't find korean books only books about learning the language..but that's not what i'm looking for. :/
    10 years ago  
    연주 I'll look them up and share with you once I get home. Its a good reading practice
    10 years ago
    MaRi Thank you Yeah, i wanna practise my reading with some good stories so it makes more fun :D
    10 years ago
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