43 Minds
43 Friends
  1.      about curriculum

    Done with first draft....submit!!

    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    Ninggg :X What?! I think it looks beautiful
    9 years ago
  2. Recommenders: ElinYasGD other 1
         about meow
    9 years ago  
    I_Shadow My friend's London
    9 years ago
    최야스권 so cute
    9 years ago
  3. Recommender: Abigail
         about wuzai

    Gonna break his beautiful (butt) image
    Wuzai is sleeeeepy toooo yawn~~~~

    9 years ago  
  4. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about Words
    一言既出, 驷马难追 (Chinese)
    한 번 입 밖에 낸 말은 사두마차로도 따라잡을 수 없다
    something said is said, you can undo it, keep promise kkk
    yì yán jì chū, sì mǎ nán zhuī
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 yi yan ji chu si ma nan zhui i just want know how say this zhui ? is sounds like zhou ??
    9 years ago
    I_Shadow Um....ui is pronounced as u+ei
    Pronounce these two quickly with slide
    It will then sounds like "ray"
    9 years ago
  5.      about 모닝
    Morning! Running back campus with handful of stuff문득 앰피 생각났네!! ㅎㅎㅎ 언녕 친구야
    9 years ago  
    Sam~~<@ I'm okay, thanks ~~~
    How about you?
    9 years ago
    I_Shadow Um....glad to know that u are fine!
    complicated but surviving! Haha
    9 years ago
  6.      about deadline
    When you may need to sacrifice a precious relationship with someone else for the future of yourself, the choice is so hard to make...let alone the challenge ahead...
    Make up your mind tmr, deadline.
    Now, just sleep.
    10 years ago  
  7. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about challenge
    I am in need of much courage to accept a challenge...
    When somebody says u CAN but some others say u CAN'T make it....probably the most important factor is your own faith?
    Am i going to let go this chance again?
    Why still asking this question? You already knew the answer, don't you? You won't know if you never try....
    Com'on....don't sit and just hope something good will happen! Stand up and make that happens!!!
    계속 이럴 거면 평생 보람 없게 살지도 몰라...싫어! 그건 싫지?!
    자기 생각이 없냐? 남이 하란 거만 하는 것에 만족하는 거냐?
    10 years ago  
    최야스권 good luck you can do it i'm sure
    10 years ago
  8.      about hug
    What can i further share? I wonder....
    I have deleted most pix and apps from my mobile lately awwww not enough of space hum!
    Then let's just share some love~
    10 years ago  
    Eveline waited 3months for my hug...kkkkk
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  9. Recommenders: RyePopper other 2
         about momshow
      3 mom has a stage performance last Sunday
    It was unexpectedly awesome (i mean no off keys and such...) she had her wig on....actually she has bought many wigs from taobao these days and trying wigs on everynight many of those made her look like a man hahahaha this one was the most normal looking one lol....(i know i am too frank, but that's our family way of communication!)
    Good show mom!

    10 years ago  
    Qing53 ما شاء الله حماتك بتاخد العقل وشكلها راح تدعم باقي أزواجك فنيا" ههههههه
    9 years ago
    최야스권 ان شاء الله ايه ان شاء الله لو زوجي جي دي وزوجي طوب يحكوا مع حماي الي داعمهم فنيا يخلوها تدخل معهم للشركة ويتنج لهم اغنية مشتركة راح افرح كثير
    9 years ago
  10.      about ㅎㅎ
    I need to grow my plant for my shadow ㅋㅋㅋ
    10 years ago  
    최야스권 hahahahah keep sharing
    10 years ago
  11.      about HKU

    Like the lights here

    10 years ago  
    최야스권  love
    10 years ago
  12.      about ByeBye
    I need to go now!
    Seeya next time~
    잘 있어 친구들~
    10 years ago  
    noor See you
    10 years ago
    최야스권 C ya husband ❤❤❤
    10 years ago
  13.      about giveaway
    I think nobody can take from me
    my shadow is too poor hahaha
    10 years ago  
    Zahra let's see
    10 years ago
    Lyra 김리세 I'm greedy????
    10 years ago
  14.      about Moody
    Will your mood change with weather? Like feeling gloomy and sad in rainy days while feeling energetic and positive in sunny days?
    1. Never (1/8 12.5%)
    2. Sometimes (7/8 87.5%)
    3. Always
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn it depends for me
    10 years ago
    I_Shadow I am thinking if any people feel the opposite way, like feeling energetic in sunny day and vice versa
    10 years ago
  15.      about YaY
    This respondent is super cool!!! I hope all respondents are like this!!!!
    I'm done with one~~another to go before I need to make the last one for tonight :D :D
    let's play abit kkk
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn yeah I guess so too kk maybe this conversation this time is longer I mean your career requires a lot of effort and patience, your really awesome
    10 years ago
    I_Shadow @Ellyn yes it is, tho not an awesome job ....let's chat again and lemme know more about you next time!! take care
    10 years ago
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