13 Minds
65 Friends
  1.      about books
    “This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.”
    8 years ago  
    Ryan welcome back~ I sent friend request to you
    8 years ago
    Sammy Welcome back to MindPasta
    8 years ago
  2.      about Smiles
    It's awkward to ask about that after that long time, but how can I make Smiles on MP? Olny one I can make is Thats all...
    11 years ago  
    Sam Wait ladies! I'll bump up my post about it.
    11 years ago
    Tereza Thank you, Sam
    11 years ago
  3. Recommender: Irish
         about 빅병
    II just finished watching Hitmaker ! It was so funny and cute =^.^= I really like the song they made ! Big Byung 빅병 Fighting !!!
    11 years ago  
  4.      about Question
    Little question How you say " taste Korea" in korean? I'm not 100% sure (about 65% sure that my translate is wrong ) It's suppose to be name of my project about korean food. Please help me!
    11 years ago  
    noor Ask ryan or ray , they will be more useful than us good luck with your project
    11 years ago
    Tereza Thank you, I'll try really hard! Fighting!
    11 years ago
  5.      about Pineapple

    Finally at home. Wow, that was really crazy day. Today is my name day And my friend gave me an pineapple :O I was shocked. She gave it to me during my break time in school. So me and my classmate made my pineapple into Name pineapple (like Christmas tree). And we painted a little dots on the leafs (like a snow) and our pens and highlighters we made as a decoration. Well... teacher was looking at us like a on a freaks, but I really enjoyed my name day And now I'm eating ramen, hmm... 맛있어요

    11 years ago  
    Ellyn haha that's so rare is he an admirer? I never received a pineapple from someone before
    11 years ago
    Tereza No, it's my childhood friend I can't wait to eat that pineapple
    11 years ago
  6. Recommender: ryan
         about Home
    Finaly at home! School was very exhaustig as always, but at least it was a good day I got 5 A's from english in big test (I really need to conratulate to myself). Now I'm at home and listening Henry 헨리 - Fantastic and waiting for my drama to upload Oh yeah... Today's afternoon is gonna be fantastic!
    11 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Good job! Congratulations!
    You're celebrating with a great song!
    11 years ago
    Tereza Yeah, Henry 헨리 and his Fantastic is fantastic! :D
    11 years ago
  7.      about School
    Thanks for god, that we have "computer" lesson in school. It's still boring, but at least I have chance to listen K-POP...
    11 years ago  
    Tereza I don't want to be an ungrateful student, but my teacher's lessons are really boring and useless...
    11 years ago
    Ryan kkk I know how you feel~
    11 years ago
  8.      about BernardPark
    I'm actually not really into ballads, but this is awesome. Bernard Park fighting! I really like his voice!
    11 years ago  
  9.      about Sleep
    자고 싶어요... It's saturday, but I'm still exhausted from school -.- How can I survive next week???
    11 years ago  
    Tereza @noor Thank you, I'll try But first I need to finish something to school
    11 years ago
    Zahra fighting dear
    11 years ago
  10.      about time
    What time is in your country? Just curious. Here is 8 pm
    11 years ago  
    noor 9:19 pm
    11 years ago
    Nielle It's 3 :27 pm
    11 years ago
  11. Recommenders: GirlLetMeKnow other 2
         about 2pm
    One of the songs, that never gets old! 10점 만점에 10점
    11 years ago  
    ●W▽termel0n● one of my favs from 2pm!
    11 years ago
    연주 2pm은 이번주 토요일에 여기서 콘서트를 할 거예요~
    11 years ago
  12.      about BlockB
    블락비(BlockB) - HER 안무영상 dance practice video in very, very interesting way. Gosh! I really want one of that pajamas!
    11 years ago  
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