  1. Recommenders: ItsJustRocko other 2
         about Gloomy
    정말 우울한 날이야... (Korean)
    What a gloomy day..
    jeong-mal woo-ul-han na-ri-ya..
    10 years ago  
    Ryan @Sam just read part 1 of my note then you will read it by yourself
    10 years ago
    samita <3 Okay thank you
    10 years ago
  2. Recommenders: peppapiggyoink other 2
         about Gloomy
    날씨 정말 우울하네! (Korean)
    What a gloomy weather!
    nal-ssi jeong-mal woo-ul-ha-ne!
    10 years ago  
    Mariz Aha!
    10 years ago
    samita <3 How about a video for the proper pronounciation with the sound. Thanjs Ryan!
    10 years ago
  3. Recommender: Malu
         about gloomy
    10 years ago  
    Malu-Lee My fav Korean band too!~~~
    10 years ago
    Audrey awwwwww~~~친구!!!!!
    10 years ago
  4.      about gloomy
    Wrong timing.. our electric fan suddenly stopped and didn't function well..
    11 years ago  
    Sam☆ Goodnight 카바깃
    11 years ago
    김 야스 Night cc ♥
    11 years ago
  5.      about gloomy
    I really want pizza.
    11 years ago  
  6.      about gloomy
    hot weather
    11 years ago  
    m3y I prefer it's not raining but also not hot weather
    11 years ago
    CC I want to experience Winter and Spring
    11 years ago
  7.      about gloomy
    It's raining in Ulsan.
    11 years ago  
    Ryan 아.. 울산에 사시는군요. 서울은 미세먼지만 많아요...
    11 years ago
  8.      about Gloomy
    It's 5p.m. and it seems like night. It gets dark early.
    12 years ago  
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