1091 Minds
153 Friends
  1.      about Hello
    Helloooooooo everyone!! Oh darling, it's been ages since I last logged in to MP. How's everyone doing? How's life? I see many new friends on MP....woohooo! In case you were wondering about am I doing, what I have been doing..kkkk...well I been working. I basically don't have time to stop by on here to say hello..the same for Twitter. I work for a well-known hospital here in Chicago. That pretty much says it all. Other than that...I'm doing good. Oh, and I'm planning for my second trip to KOREA!!!! YAY!!! I'll be returning next year and hopefully...staying in Korea ONE MONTH! I can't wait! What else????...Hmmm...that's pretty much it. KKK
    10 years ago  
    كارولينا @Eveline Hello there!
    @Monique Hi!!! I know right....I will definitely have that in mind. Thanks!
    @Ryan Thank you! I miss you!
    @Oktawian Hello! Nice to meet you the way, cool name...never heard it before.
    @Gift Around the same time I went last year which was September. Really? How coool! When is she planning on going? Yeah hope we can meet and hang out. That should be exciting!
    @Qing53 Thank you!!!! Yeah Im excited already. How are you doing?
    @Noor Awwww thanks!!!! How you been?
    10 years ago
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Aw thank you ^_^
    10 years ago
  2. Recommenders: judith other 2
         about BTS-INeedU
    No explanation need....
    10 years ago  
  3.      about Garden
    10 years ago  
    Sam Crystal
    10 years ago
  4.      about .............
    For me... it always takes time to change my profile picture.
    10 years ago  
    كارولينا @Ryan got it!!
    Thank you lovelies!
    10 years ago
    Sam Same here
    10 years ago
  5.      about Weekend
    Oh, it's been a rough week for me but I made it. Let's see how the weekend goes...
    10 years ago  
    كارولينا Thanks 야스... Same for you!
    10 years ago
    Sam I pray to God that we all have a great weekend!
    10 years ago
  6.      about HELLO!!!^^
    Congratulations to me!!!! I can now play the Garden Game... sweet!
    10 years ago  
    كارولينا Thank you Sam!!!
    10 years ago
    연주 Congrats lovely
    10 years ago
  7.      about Bye!
    I got to go... heading to work. See you everyone! Have a lovely night/day!
    10 years ago  
    Sufranto Tjong my pleasure
    10 years ago
    Mika_할리메 See you dear take care
    10 years ago
  8.      about GoodNight
    잠 잘 준비하고 있어! See you guys... have a lovely night/day! Take care!
    10 years ago  
    Sammy (박셔린) Goodnight, Lina~~
    You owe me donuts with sprinkles and icing!!!
    10 years ago
    강젠나 Sleep well.
    10 years ago
  9. Recommender: samlad
         about BRB
    I'll be right back... @Sam I'm going to get more donuts and hide them from you.
    10 years ago  
    Sam (박셔린) You can't hide from me! I'll be following you! kkk
    10 years ago
    연주 Donut~~~
    10 years ago
  10.      about Welcome!!
    Its it just me or does anyone also gets excited when Korean friends join MP?
    10 years ago  
    tony A lot of MPsanta gave me a perfume ^^
    10 years ago
    كارولينا Now you can play...
    10 years ago
  11.      about Friends
    Four more friends and I can finally play Garden!! Woot woot!!!
    Did 'samlad' steal CarolinAna20's Emerald?
    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
    كارولينا Because you wanted my donuts as well...
    10 years ago
  12.      about Donuts!!!
    I'm actually eating a donut now... I should stop now. I can honestly say that in these past few days, I have eaten a dozen and a half of donuts by myself. not proud but they sure taste goooood!!!
    10 years ago  
    Sam (박셔린) Donuts are yummy
    10 years ago
  13.      about Donuts!!!!!
    I been eating a lot of donuts lately...non-stop!
    10 years ago  
    Sam (박셔린) What?!?! Eat my hand too?!?!? You're that hungry? kkk
    10 years ago
    كارولينا Yup I will do that if I need to... so please make sure your hand smells like chocolate. kkkkk
    10 years ago
  14.      about Help!
    Does anyone know if Kakao Music is in English? I downloaded from the Korean App Store but it's all in Korean... I don't understand most of it. I don't want to end up with a huge bill for buying songs I didn't even know I bought.
    10 years ago  
  15. Recommender: ryan
         about TreasureHunt
    10 years ago  
    كارولينا Thank you! I just want my MP t-shirt though...
    10 years ago
    연주 Lucky! Congrats, lovely
    10 years ago
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