  1.      about Social
    I'm gonna try to be on here more often again because I miss you guys. I've been feeling very unsocial the past few weeks and I want to break through that
    7 years ago  
    Nancy Fighting Sis!!!!
    7 years ago
  2.      about Social
    Learning a language is such a SOCIAL activity. I wake up, and I want to go visit my friends at Mindpasta, Interpals, LingQ, Duolingo, plus Facebook, Twitter, Kaokotalk. I should try to remember to actually study at some point ... haha
    11 years ago  
    Mey ~<@  it will finished but later
    11 years ago
    Sam Good morning
    11 years ago
  3.      about Social
    I wanna get to know many people here ^^ From where are you guys?
    12 years ago  
    stella History combined with imagination huh? Kkk Should give something interesting ;) Uhm, more like staying over at a friend for 4 days and shopping a lot hahah We spend two full days in the city and she showed me some famous places and parcs etc, but we didn't really visit something
    12 years ago
    nada MOrocco
    12 years ago
  4. Recommender: Malu
         about social
    "Happiness is doubled when you share it together and sadness is halved when you share it together."
    12 years ago  
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