59 Minds
27 Friends
  1.      about Happy
    Hiiiiii :D
    11 years ago  
    Ryan It's been a while
    11 years ago
    CC wcb
    11 years ago
  2.      about hello
    Good morning :D 굿 머닝!
    11 years ago  
    CC okay.. fighting
    11 years ago
    Stella Thanks ^^
    11 years ago
  3. Recommender: iamCCrn
         about Song
    This MV got me crying T.T I love the song so much
    11 years ago  
  4.      about English
    400 words to go and then I've been through 1300 English words! Will I make it in 2h? keke who knows ^^ Then studying my mistakes... a lot of mistakes... ;)
    12 years ago  
    yjgift You'll be fine~ Fighting!
    12 years ago
    stella Thank you :D
    12 years ago
  5. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about OneOkRock
    And the second one The lyrics Taka wrote are so breathtaking It's a beautiful tribute to K from Pay Money to my Pain!
    "Behind the notes
    And outside the lines
    What you left behind
    What I feel inside
    We are your voice
    We are still with you
    When you can’t speak, with so much to say
    More than a word
    More than a melody
    What you left behind
    What I feel inside
    I hear your voice…"
    12 years ago  
  6. Recommenders: paint_by_words other 2
         about EXO
    There are two songs at the moment I can't get enough of This is one
    Their voices, the violin, aaah ~~
    12 years ago  
    Renegade great song
    12 years ago
    stella @Ryan hello :D
    @renegade yes ~~ I really love it :D
    12 years ago
  7. Recommenders: HannaWang other 2
         about SS501
    My new addiction
    12 years ago  
    12 years ago
    HannaWang this song is sexy sexy sexy!
    12 years ago
  8.      about Exams
    I wonder, when do your exams start?
    Mine start after Christmas break, so in January I have 7 days spread over a whole month, but like 5 exams on one day...
    12 years ago  
    yjgift students here have mid-terms around mid-Dec and finals in late Feb or early March. Good luck with your exams
    12 years ago
    stella Oh really? so your school year ends in March?
    At secundary school here, you have mid-terms in December and finals in June. At university, your mid-terms are in January and finals in June
    12 years ago
  9.      about Game
    Thought I had posted a game... appearantly not ;)
    12 years ago  
  10.      about Random
    Today, a random Japanese guy started talking to me... okay... hahah
    And for now, I'm gonna study a few thousand French words T.T
    12 years ago  
  11.      about MindPasta
    I wonder why my phone always goes crazy on MP... everytime I try posting something, it posts either not, either a hundred times >. <
    12 years ago  
    HannaWang  i seen haha
    12 years ago
    stella Sorry >.< I erased them all hahaha
    12 years ago
  12. Recommenders: Mika_ist08 other 2
         about Happy

    Well, the gymnastics show went well ^^ I had the time of my life one position failed however, but who cares ;) this is a pic taken during our free time our position isn't too good though and my partner didn't stretch her legs, but oh well, I'm proud of it I'm the girl on the left

    12 years ago  
    ElinYasGD proud of you
    12 years ago
    stella Thank you girls ♥
    12 years ago
  13.      about Random
    Preparing my bag for tomorrow's gymnastics show! Hope I'll do well ^^ And sorry for not being active lately... Monday I start studying for my exams and at the end of January, I'm free again :D
    12 years ago  
    HannaWang wow so nice!~ good luck for tomorrow's show~
    12 years ago
    stella Thank you :D
    12 years ago
  14.      about notebook
    Dilemma: digital or written notebook for Korean?
    Does anyone have some tips? What is your experience?
    I know I note a lot, so maybe digital, and if I discover something new about a specific term, I like to write it underneath of what I already know instead of some random page.
    BUT! When noting on my computer, i tend to copy paste and okay, I'll remember some things but I'm not satisfied... so maybe written notebook?
    12 years ago  
  15.      about MP
    It's so calm here at the moment ><
    12 years ago  
    stella owww
    Everything is well at the moment ^^ Finishing my task for French and then I'm gonna study a bit of Korean :D What are you doing?
    12 years ago
    noranoona Hehehe just finished very lateee lunch
    you can say dinner 2 "two in one"
    12 years ago
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