630 Minds
68 Friends
  1.      about 안녕!!!
    Aiigo it was day of meeting family so tired
    4 years ago  
  2.      about Aiigo
    I have to see my dentist tomorrow again
    4 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) eek..good luck
    4 years ago
    siham Thanks sis there's many people there i can't get date for me
    4 years ago
  3.      about Relaxed
    I walked a lot today
    4 years ago  
    Ryan walking is good for heath!!
    4 years ago
    siham Yeah it's very good and psychological too
    4 years ago
  4.      about Chebakia
    5 years ago  
  5.      about Chebakia

    Hard work it's sweets

    5 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) saffron? oof that stuff is super expensive i won't be able to try it.. and mastic..had to google, i don't think we have that here.. still thanks the shape would be the most difficult for sure
    4 years ago
    siham Yeah it's difficult for us too but we help each other my mum prepare the ingredients and i make the flowers
    4 years ago
  6.      about Aigoo
    Can't sleep what to do @_@
    5 years ago  
    Ryan go to bed~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    5 years ago
    siham I can't do it again ㅋㅋㅋ
    5 years ago
  7.      about :)
    생일축하해요 우리 라이언 ~~
    5 years ago  
    Ryan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다~~~~~
    5 years ago
  8.      about Quarantine
    Hi hi
    5 years ago  
    Ryan hi hi~
    5 years ago
    siham Hi Ryan you're still working because quarantine?
    5 years ago
  9.      about saldaga
    am faling in love with this song
    5 years ago  
  10.      about quiz
    rina let's try with me guys go there if you know me
    5 years ago  
    siham Woooah sis really you know me !!!
    5 years ago
    5 years ago
  11.      about Quarantine
    I'm thinking to many things and some people that i don't want to!! is any one like me
    5 years ago  
  12.      about 3:21am
    Okaay wwwhy i can't sleep
    5 years ago  
  13.      about 3:24am
    5 years ago  
    Ryan I'm doing good. yourself?
    5 years ago
    siham I'm just in home so i think I'm doing good too
    5 years ago
  14.      about Quarantine

    Didn't share with you this guess who ??

    5 years ago  
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 I have no idea
    5 years ago
    siham OMG!! Really so you don't watching kdrama
    5 years ago
  15.      about 생일축하해
    Is it you're day okta?! So happy birthday from quarantine ~~~ 생일축하해 옼타!!
    5 years ago  
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Thanks ;) yep ^^
    5 years ago
    siham You welcome
    5 years ago
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