  1.      about german
    I hate my language..
    "Umfahren ist das Gegenteil von umfahren."
    "Umfahren is the opposite of umfahren."
    "Driving around is the opposite of run over."
    5 years ago  
  2.      about german
    In north germany you have two different german languages
    Plattdeutsch (lit. trans. flat german) sounds ugly and is mostly used by elders or villager
    Hochdeutsch (lit. trans. high german) is actually the regular german but for some reason it's called differently
    different federal states use different dialects, except for bavaria, they use a whole different language and pretend it's german..
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Interesting!
    6 years ago
  3.      about german

    Krug vs. Teekanne (last one is also a Krug..but a "Bierkrug" )
    hope it helps

    6 years ago  
  4.      about german

    Soooo..who can read them?
    (yes, real words..)
    ugh..lazy me and drunk google..act : law

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  5.      about german
    german language is crazy..
    Marine Captain becomes Schifffahrtskapitän
    Why using two words if you can punch it into one long word?..
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Or (sok jabłkowo-aroniowo-truskawkowy) apple-aronia-strawberry juice
    6 years ago
  6.      about german
    Feelings and emotions in german
    Glücklich : happy
    Traurig : sad
    Verwirrt : confused
    Wütend : angry
    Hungrig : hungry
    Durstig : thirsty
    Ruhig : calm
    Entspannt : relaxed
    Angespannt : tense
    Verärgert : upset
    hoffnungsvoll : hopeful
    hoffnungslos : hopeless
    Entmutigt : discouraged
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) you're welcome
    6 years ago
  7.      about german

    The two ways of telling the time in germany.
    (more cities than i expected.. so not DDR related~)

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  8.      about german
    Numbers after 20
    counting from now one is easy. We put our numbers now together like this: 21 einundzwangzig
    yes it looks lok but it's actually simple ein und zwanzig: one and twenty
    you can now count even up to very high numbers
    30 dreizig
    40 vierzig
    50 fünfzig
    60 sechzig
    70 siebzig
    80 achtzig
    90 neunzig
    100 (ein)hundert
    200 zweihundert
    1000 (ein)tausend
    10000 zehntausend
    100000 (ein)hunderttausend
    1000000 eine Million
    can you now write the number 3569?
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) ah..i see where i made a mistake without the first und
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  9.      about german
    Numbers from 11-20
    11 elf
    12 zwölf (ö like er in her but without hearing the r)
    from now on it gets easy:
    13 dreizehn (li. three ten)
    14 vierzehn (four ten)
    15 fünfzehn
    16 sechzehn
    17 siebzehn
    18 achtzehn
    19 neunzehn
    20 zwanzig
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @ryan
    6 years ago
  10.      about german
    Numbers from 1-10
    1 eins (ei like eye)
    2 zwei
    3 drei
    4 vier (spoken like fear)
    5 fünf (ü like ㅡ)
    6 sechs (soft s, echs like ex)
    7 sieben
    8 acht (ch like a hissing cat)
    9 neun (like oy in Lloyd)
    10 zehn
    6 years ago  
  11.      about german
    A VERY VERY cheesy and childish "pet name" some people used to use is: Schnucki-Putzi Mausebä's horrible..
    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  12. Recommender: mrsim00
         about german
    Bist du plem plem?
    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
    Lord Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    7 years ago
  13.      about german
    Manche Leute haben 'ne Schraube locker.
    Can you understand it?
    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  14.      about german
    sometimes little writing mistakes can end..mean..
    geliebt - loved
    beliebt - famous/popular
    beleibt - corpulent
    belebt - busy
    gelebt - lived
    7 years ago  
    7 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Gotta be careful with these if I ever need them!
    7 years ago
  15.      about German
    gelb (German)
    gelb (g as in green, e as in get, l as in low, b as in brown)
    7 years ago  
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