  1.      about BoodleFight

    I want to experience this for New Year's!

    8 years ago  
    Sammy Yes, Hanna! It's a huge communal feast for celebration
    8 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Woow~~ We might have just a bag of chips and some lemonade.
    8 years ago
  2.      about boodlefight

    Last week, my family had a boodle fight! Haha
    According to what I've read online, boodle fight is a traditional Philippine way of dining where a variety of food is set on banana leaves and people eat with bare hands. It was originally a military way of eating. You can learn more about this on the internet

    10 years ago  
    Monique Oh I see.. Seems like there's a lot of nationalities in BC. I remembered working for a Canadian account. And I guess, there are really not many natives in the country anymore. That was as per what my Canadian trainer told me back then. Back in 2011?
    10 years ago
    Sam Hmmm...I guess you can say that? Canada's been quite a diverse country with many different cultures being welcome as new migrants in the last few decades. This country embraces all individual cultures making it a beautiful mosaic of special traditions. The natives or the first Nations are still valued and are strong!!
    10 years ago
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