  1. Recommender: ryan
         about Postcard

    Guess what came in the mail today???
    Thank you so much Hanna !
    It's very beautiful , I love it!!!

    7 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka I'm so glad it arrived safe and sound and that you like it.
    7 years ago
  2. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about postcard
    Had the surprise of a postcard in the mail today. In Korean. 고맙습니다 연주.
    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka That's nice. I love mail.
    10 years ago
    연주 @hanna keep checking your postbox! Lol
    10 years ago
  3. Recommender: noor
         about postcard
    10 years ago  
  4. Recommenders: CarolinAna20 other 4
         about postcard

    Thank you so much cici (≧∇≦)
    I got postcard with amazing view !!
    I do love it ^ ^

    11 years ago  
    Sam☆ ...
    11 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka What a nice card! I wonder when I'll get mine.
    11 years ago
  5. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about Postcard
    Have you ever sent a secret to Postcard Secrets?
    11 years ago  
    Julia Just send them a postcard. That simple.
    11 years ago
    Sam Awesome! 감사합니다 칭구!
    11 years ago
  6. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about Postcard

    Antique postcards from America

    11 years ago  
    Sam Cool!
    11 years ago
  7.      about postcard
    I need to send the postcards... I am so lazy!
    11 years ago  
    Malu-Lee Hi, my dear Aisha~!~ I'm fine now, thanks! How about you?~~
    11 years ago
    Aisha Happy to hear that , Im good~~~~ just feel tired
    11 years ago
  8.      about postcard
    ah...suddenly I have come up with idea about what postcards to buy for the postcard event....o thanks to bibo's words
    11 years ago  
  9.      about Postcard
    I want to make something
    Lets send each other postcards from our country, I though it would be nice, I mean if its not expensive
    I though we could be closer by having something from each one of you and of course I would send you one of my country
    Who's up for it? I already got one from Algerie
    11 years ago  
    Cici Bibo, Kika want to send me your addresses?
    11 years ago
    loomiar I really think that your right sis ♥ !! It can be so nice and special like a gift wow I like it! !!
    11 years ago
  10. Recommenders: CarolinAna20 other 4
         about Postcard

    I received my own postcard already

    11 years ago  
    raymundus  아들 좋은 생각
    11 years ago
    Zahra aww how cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    11 years ago
  11. Recommenders: caughtinthmiddle other 1
         about postcard

    Thanks Gift & Nicole for the postcard! Actually it made me feel envious too
    Btw hope I can meet you both one day, and also other MP friends!
    Thanks to the quick mailing in HK I am quick to receive this...kkk
    Let's also see their beautiful hand writing ~~~
    and finally thankyou MP for connecting me to so many great friends

    11 years ago  
    kwanning0606 @gift I laugh much
    11 years ago
    caughtinthmiddle Yes I wna see what is "typhoon" handwriting HAHA
    11 years ago
  12.      about postcard
    there is a postcard for me!!! At the school...
    11 years ago  
  13. Recommender: HannaWang
         about postcard

    When I returned home, I found this postcard greeting me~
    Thank you, Lipie~

    12 years ago  
    Julia_Moonburn Ahhh so sweet
    12 years ago
    ElinYasGD oh so sweet i it
    11 years ago
  14. Recommenders: kayoko other 1
         about Postcard

    I've got this from my French friends, who is in Japan now. :D I really love it

    12 years ago  
    Amel_Lin beautiful~~~~
    12 years ago
    Neko_nyasu thank you I love it so much *-* I'm soo happy now kkk
    12 years ago
  15. Recommenders: yjgift other 4
         about Postcard

    Loooooooooooook my lovely Gift what just arrived in my mail today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is from YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!! Straight from SEOUL!!!! O.O I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!! Awwww THANK YOUUU DEAR!!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!!!! Lots of HUGS from CHICAGO and ME!!!! ;D

    12 years ago  
    yjgift Thats ok, Carolin^^ As I said it was a postcard after all
    12 years ago
    CarolinAna20 Okey dokey! ♡
    12 years ago
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