  1.      about ChineseNewYear
    The factory we are in partner with in China is going on a 3 week holiday. It will be a very silent 3 weeks from next week - not much emails! More time to do nothing.
    4 years ago  
    Monique Heyyyy RIna, I just saw this now. Too many stuff came up over the weekend and I didn't get to play Sims As of now I don't use CCs because I am using a company issue computer. I used to use CCs though and I think this is where I got them. Will definitely be back simming with mods soon. hehe
    4 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) oh i see..
    4 years ago
  2.      about Chinesenewyear
    Happy Lunar New Year
    Selamat Hari Raya Imlek
    새해 복 많이 받으세요

    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Happy Lunar New Year!
    8 years ago
    Maya 화연 Happy Lunar New Year
    8 years ago
  3.      about Chinesenewyear

    Chinese New Year is coming~~~~여러분~~~~새해 복 많이 많이 받으세요~~~~

    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Happy New Year!!
    10 years ago
    연주 Syf! 오랜만이야! 새해 복 많이! ㅋㅋ
    10 years ago
  4. Recommenders: LouiseH other 4
         about ChineseNewYear
    Is it the same tradition in your country?
    During Chinese New Year, there are 3 important days with specific purpose to celebrate the new year.
    Day 1: Buying Day - Chinese here will buy all food, fruits and other offerings for the following praying day.
    Day 2: Praying Day - Family gathers together to serve offerings to ancestor and pray for a good year ahead. We often give out red packets on this day.
    Day Play Day - Traditionally you are not supposed to work today. You just enjoy eating, playing and travelling. It is an official Chinese New Year according to Lunar calendar.
    So, today is Day 1 and many people are out shopping today. My family is not that strict so I don't really have to take days off for Praying Day either
    10 years ago  
    Ning66 恆心咪走~ and have you heard about the third day of the lunar year is unsuitable for visits because arguments happen easily on that day (初三赤口). Anyway, a few long-time-no-see relatives asked us out for dinner on that day this year!
    10 years ago
    연주 @sam no worries, dear~ kkk
    @iris i know your family is a cool one! we have like "12 NOT-to-do things on Day 3" but it doesn't say anything about visits. I hope you and your relatives won't fight! kkkk
    10 years ago
  5. Recommenders: jrbeanie17 other 3
         about ChineseNewYear

    Culture > Chinese celebration
    Chinese New Year is an important traditional Chinese holiday celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival, the literal translation of the modern Chinese name. Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally run from Chinese New Year's Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar. Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, the Chinese New Year is often referred to as the "Lunar New Year".

    11 years ago  
    M3y:3~<@ Source : Wikipedia & wikimedia
    11 years ago
  6.      about ChineseNewYear
    Trying to teach my mom how to say "Happy New Year" in Chinese is harder than expected... O_o
    12 years ago  
    yjgift Cute and lovable, right???
    12 years ago
    Amel_Lin 맞아요, 언니!!! ㅎㅎㅎ
    12 years ago
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