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23 Minds
16 Friends
  1. Recommender: Reina
         about wish
    i want to sing D:
    12 years ago  
    ItKika Hey! Welcome back! :D and... if you want just sing!
    12 years ago
  2.      about Blue
    Being free from school for 4 more days... without seeing your BF T________T NO. thats not a happy thing
    12 years ago  
    Reina Know how you feel T^T
    12 years ago
  3.      about KakaoTalk
    Do u Have kakaoTalk? add me: peterwoon17 ^_^
    12 years ago  
  4.      about Grow
    Grow plants growwww hahahahahhaha
    12 years ago  
  5.      about Drama

    Who have been watching Iris2 this month?? I Love it so much that Drama is so great :D action give me action hahaha

    12 years ago  
    NicoleHan I havent! But i will!!!
    12 years ago
    akma_ssi Im watching but not consistently its a great drama. Actually i think the quality is almost like a movie..
    12 years ago
  6.      about waiting
    I can't wait for LeeHi's Rose MV... i though it was going to be a half hour ago but it seems like we have to wait 11 more hours(?) :/ the song's teaser sounds really great!!
    12 years ago  
  7. Recommender: Reina
         about apologize
    Hi Guys i'm back... D: sorry i've been far from Mindpasta for months D: T________T
    12 years ago  
    Malu Hi! Welcome back!
    12 years ago
    Reina Welcome back!!! ^^
    12 years ago
  8.      about Apologize
    Miahne! im back.... and receive the notice about S.Korea's new president! she looks nice ^_^
    13 years ago  
    yjgift Many ppl I know are complaining about the result.
    13 years ago
    NicoleHan yes, 초희도!
    13 years ago
  9.      about Quizz
    Puertorrican Flag: I'll give some characteristics and you'll mark the Puertorrican Flag ones... Dont get confused with the Cuban one..... NO CHEATTING I'M WATCHING kekeke
    1. 1 White star in a Red Triangle one the left with 5 horizontal stripes: 3 blue stripes and 2 white s
    2. 1 White star in a Blue Triangle one the left with 5 horizontal stripes: 3 red stripes and 2 white s
    3. 1 White star in a Red Triangle one the left with 5 horizontal stripes: 3 White stripes and 2 Blue s
    4. 1 White star in a Blue Triangle one the left with 5 horizontal stripes: 3 White stripes and 2 Red
    13 years ago  
    13 years ago
    NicoleHan the flags always confuse me....
    13 years ago
  10.      about Excited
    well today the Caffeine Teaser of YoSeob went out... i freaking love it !! waiting for the MV
    13 years ago  
    NicoleHan oh? you like Beast?
    13 years ago
  11.      about Food
    i was alone at home an mom arrives with 18 packs of TopRamen and 3 ChoiMein packs omg why so much!! D:
    13 years ago  
    yjgift good mum ^^
    13 years ago
    pedromalza but i dont like cooking DD kkkkkkk she said it was for the days im alone at home lollllll
    13 years ago
  12.      about sleep
    Tomorrow I'll. be visiting a University so i might go to sleep now keke 11:24pm here goodnight and goodmorning and bonapetit to the ones having lunch or breakfast
    13 years ago  
    ryan 굿나잇~~
    13 years ago
    pedromalza  감사합니다
    13 years ago
  13.      about Exam
    Plan: Exam
    D-Day: 11/26/2012
    Goal: A+
    How to: Romeo and Juliet
    13 years ago  
    ryan Exam??? Anyway Fighting!!
    13 years ago
    Malu Fighting!
    13 years ago
  14.      about DRAMA
    Well i'll leave for an hour.... i'll be watching I miss You 3rd Episode ^_^ BRB
    13 years ago  
    ryan Enjoy watching~
    13 years ago
    pedromalza thank you ^_^
    13 years ago
  15.      about Quiz
    Am I a:
    1. B2UTY
    2. BANA
    3. VIP
    4. all the Above
    13 years ago  
    pedromalza kekekekekek DDD
    13 years ago
    13 years ago
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