  1.      about emoticons
    Please share emoticons....thanx
    8 years ago  
  2.      about emoticons
    = = = = = = =
    = = = = = = =
    = = = = = =
    = = = = = = =
    = = = = = =
    8 years ago  
    Ryan I forgot many of them
    8 years ago
    Natasha me too
    8 years ago
  3. Recommenders: glory other 12
         about emoticons
    Emoticons in Mindpasta so far and how I use them.
    *** Notice: Use them without space! ***
    Happy : ) -->
    Sad : ( -->
    Dunno/Confused - _ - -->
    Very Confused _ - _ -->
    Heart < 3 -->
    Laughing X D -->
    Hungry/Starving : Q _ -->
    Kiss : 3 -->
    Kiss 3 : -->
    Sticking tongue out : P -->
    Teary eyed. + _ + -->
    Crying. ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ -->
    Yellow flag - - / -->
    Red flag - - | -->
    Confused/Irritated @ @ @ -->
    Heol ㅎ ㅓ ㄹ -->
    Owl O _ O -->
    Flirty/Squinting ~ _ ~ -->
    Surprised * _ * -->
    Sleepy = _ = -->
    Annoyed ; - / -->
    Cat = 3 = -->
    Wink - _ ~ -->
    Thumbs up o } -->
    Thumbs up { o -->
    On your knees/Crawling O T L -->
    Arms out ~ / -->
    Arms out / ~ -->
    Scratching head ( * -->
    Scratching head * ) -->
    Flying ~ ~ m -->
    Flying m ~ ~ -->
    Laser hand ) B -->
    Laser hand B ( -->
    9 years ago  
    shirley woo @Ryan Thank you
    7 years ago

    6 years ago
  4.      about Emoticons
    I used to know only the following emoticons by heart.. ---> I use these the most.. Now I also know and by heart... I wonder what would be next..
    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka ㅋㅋㅋ How about
    10 years ago
    Monique I should get use to combining those to make it look funnier.
    10 years ago
  5.      about emoticons
    I got it! hahahaha
    10 years ago  
    호박 잘했어!!
    10 years ago
    Ailsa ㅋㅋㅋ
    10 years ago
  6.      about emoticons
    How do I use other emoticon? I just know ㅎㅎ
    10 years ago  
    호박 Congrats, Ailsa!!
    10 years ago
    Ailsa Yay, hahaha.
    10 years ago
  7.      about emoticons
    10 years ago  
    호박 Crystal, you gotta crack the code! ...
    10 years ago
    Jasmine This game is no fun Can't crack the code
    10 years ago
  8. Recommender: bamlak
         about emoticons
    10 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    8 years ago
    Joo Yeon hahahahaha, i though it was light hahahahaha
    8 years ago
  9.      about emoticons

    i should remember all of these..

    10 years ago  
    Mr Narative You are to resourceful Sammy. Time for me to hide. :D kkkk
    10 years ago
    Sammy (박셔린) "You are 'too' or 'so' resourceful Sammy." Not really, but maybe creative?
    10 years ago
  10. Recommenders: Orvokki other 9
         about Emoticons
    : ) -->
    : ( -->
    - _ - -->
    _ - _ -->
    < 3 -->
    : Q _ -->
    : 3 -->
    3 : -->
    : P -->
    + _ + -->
    ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ -->
    - - / -->
    - - | -->
    @ @ @ -->
    ㅎ ㅓ ㄹ -->
    O _ O -->
    ~ _ ~ -->
    * _ * -->
    = _ = -->
    ; - / -->
    = 3 = -->
    o } -->
    { o -->
    O T L -->
    ~ / -->
    / ~ -->
    ( * -->
    * ) -->
    ~ ~ m -->
    m ~ ~ -->
    ) B -->
    B ( -->
    * Take Note: Use them without space
    10 years ago  
    Mika_할리메 Love you too enjoy
    9 years ago
    shayar I"'ll
    9 years ago
  11.      about Emoticons
    Is there any links for me to learn the emoticons here?hehe
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린 Wait and I'll bring it up!
    10 years ago
  12.      about Emoticons
    I think the best thing about lesson four had to be the adorable emoticons Ryan showed us, I never really though about there being different emoticons simply because we were studying Korean, I always thought about them as being universal but this is nice to know! 감사합니다
    10 years ago  
  13.      about Emoticons
    I have seen this video before but I can't get sick of it omg so funny
    10 years ago  
  14.      about emoticons
    I use MP emoticons so much that sometimes I forgot it doesn't work on other sites
    10 years ago  
    aya I only know this emoticons ( happy face )
    10 years ago
    아비 Hahaha Me too
    10 years ago
  15.      about emoticons
    emoticons test

    = =
    10 years ago  
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