223 Minds
128 Friends
  1.      about HappyLunarNewYear
    새해 복 많이 받으세요 ~~
    2 years ago  
    Ryan 네네 새해 복 많이요~!!!!
    2 years ago
  2. Recommender: ryan
         about LunarNewYear
    새해 복 많이 받으세요~ Happy Lunar New Year ~
    3 years ago  
    Ryan Happy New Year!!
    3 years ago
  3.      about 똑똑
    똑똑~ 여기 있는 사람
    3 years ago  
  4.      about MP
    어모! 벌써 MP 함께 10 년 이다! 시간이 참 빠르다. Its already 10 years with MP. Time flies ~!
    3 years ago  
    shirleyw0311 I'm 10 years old here
    3 years ago
    Ryan 저도 비슷해요. ㅋㅋㅋ
    3 years ago
  5.      about Newmember
    Hi~ Introduce my sister - Nicole to join MP family @qien
    4 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) Hi Nicole and welcome back Shirley
    4 years ago
    shirleyw0311 Hi! Hi! @Rina
    4 years ago
  6. Recommender: ryan
         about Cheesecake

    Who want to have a piece of blueberry and peach cheesecake? Taste not bad although the cheesecake looks not presentable. Lol

    4 years ago  
    Ryan Thanks! I'm waiting~ ㅋㅋㅋ
    4 years ago
    4 years ago
  7.      about 설날&ValentinesDay

    새해복 많이 받으세요~ & Happy Valentines Day

    4 years ago  
    shirleyw0311 @Ryan 레스토랑에서 식사를 할 수 있지만 한 테이블은 8 명을 초과 할 수 없습니다.
    4 years ago
    Ryan 아.. 우리는 5명을 초과할 수 없어요.
    4 years ago
  8.      about Thanksgiving
    Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
    4 years ago  
    Ryan 핼로~~~~
    4 years ago
    shirley woo Hello~
    4 years ago
  9.      about PrayForKorea
    Typhoon in Busan so terrible. Please stay safe. Pray for Korea
    4 years ago  
    김원정 Thank you
    4 years ago
  10.      about Sleepy
    Can 7 take a nap
    5 years ago  
  11.      about 추석
    해피 추석
    5 years ago  
    Ryan Hey~
    5 years ago
  12.      about 추석
    해피 추석
    5 years ago  
  13. Recommender: samlad
         about Cherryblossom

    Cherry blossom so beautiful!!

    6 years ago  
  14. Recommender: samlad
         about Osaka

    Cherry blossoms season is the best time!

    6 years ago  
  15. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about Cherryblossom
    6 years ago  
    Ryan Where did you go except Shiga?
    6 years ago
    shirley woo Osaka, Kyoto and Nara.
    6 years ago
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