  1.      about Weather
    It didn't rain today
    I hope tomorrow either
    4 years ago  
    Selenne (셀레네) 8:20 am and it's half cloudy
    4 years ago
    Monique I want all your rain, but not much to make a typhoon lol
    4 years ago
  2.      about Weather

    It will be a crazy week

    4 years ago  
    NOOR  it seems so
    4 years ago
  3.      about Weather

    Today is cloudy
    It's been raining since saturday night

    4 years ago  
    NOOR Very hot here
    4 years ago
    Mika Spring here~
    4 years ago
  4.      about Weather

    Tomorrow will be even colder

    4 years ago  
    Selenne (셀레네) Here were i live the highest temperature registered is 35 and I've felt up to 32 and I'm dying
    4 years ago
    Monique Hahahaha too bad for us! Too irritating when its too hot. Feels like you're in the oven even if you're under the shade or even inside your house!
    4 years ago
  5.      about weather
    thunderstorm!!!!! i was wondering why it was so hot the last two i know..
    5 years ago  
    5 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) it might be over already.. but i will
    5 years ago
  6.      about Weather
    It's too hot here if someone had some ice send it here
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) yesterday i had over 33°C in my bedroom over it's a bit chilly kinda
    6 years ago
    Lord Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    6 years ago
  7.      about weather

    I think, a thunderstorm is coming..

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) very useful
    6 years ago
  8.      about weather
    the weather got colder..and rainy..great, i mean, i'm not in the middle of washing EVERYTHING right now..NOOOOOO.. that's not fair
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @sakuraboice
    6 years ago
  9. Recommender: ryan
         about weather
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka What? It looks nice?
    6 years ago
  10.      about weather

    The sun was shining and warmed my face..5 minutes later:

    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Oh...
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  11.      about weather
    it's stoming outside.. things smashed against my window, earlier something smacked against the wall and the floor shaked.. what the..
    happy i decided to NOT leave the house today
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka That bad wind? Stay safe!
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) yeah but so far i can't see any damage outside..though the rain makes it hard to see.. last heavy storm "killed" a whole attic in a fire, destroyed at least 3 roofs by blowing of roofing tiles and about 3 trees broke..and all that just in "my" street.. i have to bring trash out later..i hope it doesn't blow away..
    6 years ago
  12.      about weather
    Today will be 22°C in the afternoon. :D
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    6 years ago
    NOOR Niicee
    6 years ago
  13.      about weather
    Btw. Today is so hot.
    So we need a pool party xD
    A Halloween themed pool party!
    Where Hanna attended as well. xD
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  14.      about weather
    It's very windy today and kinda cold.
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) here too..
    6 years ago
  15.      about weather
    It's rainy, cloudy and I can feel that fall is coming.
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) yes!! So become the hero with no cape of your neighborhood!!
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
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