  1.      about miss
    I want to use puss
    8 years ago  
  2.      about miss
    I miss you my friends
    9 years ago  
    양 마리 Heyy
    9 years ago
    Bayan Hello MaRi
    9 years ago
  3.      about miss
    i miss MP :*
    9 years ago  
    Biee ^_^
    9 years ago
    Ryan welcome back
    9 years ago
  4.      about Miss
    10 years ago  
  5.      about Miss
    My sister flew to Washington DC just to watch the July 4th fireworks tomorrow, without me. I wish I could go, but i have to work today!
    10 years ago  
    Mariz So true! Thanks, Hanna. I don't really have any plans yet, but i also want to celebrate the Independence day(4th of July) tomorrow!
    10 years ago
    Sam Are there no other venues for fireworks? (close by)
    10 years ago
  6.      about miss
    Mm I miss the days we were all together ..I miss them all
    10 years ago  
    Glory C Yes
    10 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Mmm, me too. I wonder how was that even possible back then.
    10 years ago
  7.      about Miss
    I MISS ALL MPers!!! I just realized now. Hahaha! TT^TT I've been away from MP for too long!!! I missed everyone!!!
    10 years ago  
    noor  for me personally mp is not the same without you my little cute sister
    10 years ago
    Lyra 김리세 Aww, eonii! Same here... TT^TT
    10 years ago
  8.      about Miss
    I MISS ALL MPers!!! I just realized now. Hahaha! TT^TT I've been away from MP for too long!!! I missed everyone!!!
    10 years ago  
  9.      about miss
    이 그리움은 너무 많아. 우리 squidward을 안만났어...
    10 years ago  
    trangro squidward이 누구야?
    10 years ago
    Jahrayoung  My close friend hihi
    10 years ago
  10.      about miss
    I really missed everyone here
    10 years ago  
    강젠나  We missed you too.
    10 years ago
    loomiar1018 ohhh dongsaeng and iris < 3hanna really i love u all
    10 years ago
  11.      about miss
    Not to hurt you but to make you realize; maybe I was the sun in your life and not the shadow~~
    11 years ago  
  12. Recommender: Mika_ist08
         about Miss
    Hi everyone! Wednesday I have Korean Digital Academy class. Thursday I have tutor session. I swear I am all tuckered out after both. Takes all my brain cells! So I came to visit with my MP friends. How has everyone been? What did I miss while my head was buried in Korean studies?
    11 years ago  
    강젠나 Hi.
    11 years ago
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Hi Julia I'm fine I don't think you missed a lot
    11 years ago
  13.      about miss
    wow~ over 1000 views on the 'how to use mp' video me and someone worked on~
    11 years ago  
    Greig miss her like crazy
    11 years ago
    김 야스 hope that somone is fine
    11 years ago
  14.      about Miss
    Hey my sweeties! Did you miss me?
    Be sure, I really miss you *-*
    11 years ago  
    Mika_h8 Baya oldu görüşmeyeli özledik arada gel canım
    11 years ago
    TurKorean Gelmeye çalışıyorum da telaştan her defasında unutuyorum
    11 years ago
  15. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about Miss
    지하철 놓쳤어! (Korean)
    I missed subway
    JiHaCheol NoChyeoSSeo!
    11 years ago  
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