  1.      about Gnite
    Such a rough week..
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka And it's only in its beginning...
    8 years ago
    NOOR Sweet dreams
    8 years ago
  2.      about Gnite
    Ok ok I'm off, u guyz behave, I'll see u in 8-9 hours
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 Good night alaa sweet dreams
    9 years ago
    Blossom Goodnight
    9 years ago
  3.      about Gnite
    Been one heck of a hard day, I'll just finish some quick stuff now, and run to bed!!!
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 Good night alaa
    9 years ago
    Qing53 Good night 7abebti
    9 years ago
  4.      about Gnite
    I'm sooooooo sleeppppyyyyy Zombie Ala'a !!
    10 years ago  
    Qing53 Night 7obi
    10 years ago
    lila sweet dreams sis
    10 years ago
  5.      about gnite
    Im happy for come back but is bed time here... Read you tomorrow... Promise... Love you all
    10 years ago  
    호박 Goodnight my dear Selen! Dulces sueños
    Please come again more frequently... Please~~~~
    10 years ago
    Icha Nighty-night
    10 years ago
  6.      about gnite
    Gnite kids, be nice and behave! See u later
    10 years ago  
    Lyra 김리세 Good night Alaa!
    10 years ago
    Smiles Who wants to behave... pffft kkk
    10 years ago
  7.      about Gnite
    Gonna rest those eyes for a bit, Gnite guys ^^
    Stay safe and warm ..♡♡
    Zhoor o Nwara tdfo mneeeeee7
    10 years ago  
    Alaa Gnite ladies ♥♥♥
    10 years ago
    Ryan Night~~~
    10 years ago
  8.      about Gnite
    Gnite time here!! Im falling!!! See you guys! Love u... You are on my heart!
    11 years ago  
    Ryan Good night~
    11 years ago
    Sam Goodnight Mrs. Kim!~~ Sweetest KHJ dreams~~~
    11 years ago
  9.      about Gnite
    Sleep time here guys! See you! Have a nice day in the other side of the world, love ya!
    11 years ago  
    Indra Buenas noches
    11 years ago
    Ryan 굿나잇~
    11 years ago
  10.      about Gnite
    Gnite here! So late and its cold! In under millions of blankets... See you
    11 years ago  
    강젠나 See you.
    11 years ago
  11.      about Gnite

    Sleep time here!!! Im gonna dream with yong Hwa!! See you guys!

    11 years ago  
    11 years ago
    Sam Buenas noches, Selen! ~~ Dulces sueños~~
    11 years ago
  12. Recommender: Jaymarins
         about Gnite
    Gnite here guys!!! Sleep time see you tomorrow!
    11 years ago  
    Sam Buenas noches, Selen! ~ Dulces sueños~~
    11 years ago
    11 years ago
  13.      about Gnite
    Sleep time here! I have to be relax to make my altar of día de muertos! No coffins! im ready for sweet dreams
    11 years ago  
    Ryan Good night!~~
    11 years ago
    Nazgul Ohh why not? kkkk
    Night, Selen~ Sleep tight
    11 years ago
  14.      about Gnite
    Pass of midnight! I should Sleep i dont want an earlier zombie costume for Halloween in the Job! Gnite guys! Ryan our battle to be continued! 잘 자요
    11 years ago  
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Sleep well!
    11 years ago
    Ellyn Is Jacob in there as well? kkk
    11 years ago
  15.      about Gnite
    Sleep time here! I hope dreams come, i need dreams instead of fears in my mind
    11 years ago  
    산/Choi Soyeon :) Good night. 잘자
    11 years ago
    Eduardo Anatálio Good night
    11 years ago
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