  1.      about Fighting!!
    Hang in there, Hanna! First weeks are the hardest with a new puppy! Keep on doing what you're doing and Iita will be just fine!
    7 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka We're both testing each others now. Gotta stay strong!
    7 years ago
    7 years ago
  2.      about fighting!!
    I wish can play here all the time, but i am busy after this time
    See u later guys
    8 years ago  
    siham see you pin
    8 years ago
    Qing53 Boom I'm here .. are you sure you wanna go?
    8 years ago
  3.      about FIGHTING!!
    Oppa~~~~ how many new friends do you meet now?
    8 years ago  
    Nancy Many !!!
    8 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 Yayyy...
    8 years ago
  4.      about fighting!!
    I passed my scholarship application today Please pray for me
    9 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Fighting!!
    9 years ago
    Eveline 화이팅!!!!!
    9 years ago
  5.      about fighting!!
    Morning... Have a Bright Day all..!
    11 years ago  
    Dewi Paramitha Wkwkw,, hari ini gw mulai Gym mey di Celeb,, uda bawa perlengkapan perang nih,,
    11 years ago
    Mey ~<@ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ mantap !! Good luck deh semoga berhasil permak body di gym ~
    11 years ago
  6.      about fighting!!
    Who will be the winner?
    11 years ago  
    ^_BLue _^ Congrat )))
    11 years ago
  7.      about Fighting!!
    I'm such an idiot on Kakao!!!ㅠㅠ taking me so long just to add a friend~
    I go now~~~See you friends~and enjoy your day:D~~fighting!!!!
    12 years ago  
    HannaWang Goodnight Iris!~ sleep well~~ :D
    12 years ago
    GreigColliar later iris~
    12 years ago
  8.      about fighting!!
    12 years ago  
    Amel_Lin Good luck reina... ^^
    12 years ago
    Reina thanks Amel
    12 years ago
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