  1.      about dream
    Btw, I saw a very disturbing dream last night. I even woke up crying.
    Some man came into my apartment by force and started shouting about something that I already forgot. Suddenly I wasn't alone but my brother (random dream dude) was there too and they started fighting. I was sure that someone was going to die and tried to stop them. They calmed for a second because they saw me crying and that's when I woke up.
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  2.      about dream
    I yelled at Yas to throw the treasure back in, but she said no..the walls almost completely closed and were pushing against me.."Yas, you're killing me..please give it back..i'm not the thief" While i slowly ran out of breath, i heard a noise..something was thrown on the ground. The walls released me and i collabsed. The girls got me out, but we were all covered in blood, slime and ashes..
    Since i'm claustrophobic in "RL", it was horrible..and i was sweating like crazy..
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina)  (just saw the reply..)
    6 years ago
    최야스권 괜찮아 언니 ❤ㅋㅋㅋ
    6 years ago
  3.      about dream
    It's not much that i remember, but i was some kind of cave and heard creepy/disturbing noises and it smelled like death. When i saw the exit, the walls came closer and i barely escaped. I told Hanna and Yas about that cave and for some reason, they wanted to go in. When we all where inside, there was no smell, but treasures and hummy wanted to take them. I tried to stop her but Hanna said it's fine. As soon as she took some pieces, slimy blood started dripping down on us and the smell came back..We started running, walls came closer again and the girls ran out first. I became claustrophobic and begged the cave to not kill me (wth? ) I heard a voice.." are thiefs..and thiefs must be punished"
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) love you too
    6 years ago
    최야스권 ❤❤❤
    6 years ago
  4.      about dream
    BTW..i had a very disturbing dream..kinda a short dream but that was more than enough.. it included Hanna and Yas..
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  5.      about dream
    oh and because i could speak all those languages, the military guys (igk names..) needed me to translate how to end the nightmare..
    The animals were poisoned, i used cheap food and that wasn't one of the brands that some idiots contaminated. It was a russian group btw.. and after talking for HOURS to all kinds of military people, translating and explaining, i fell unconscious down a stair..not to deep, but deep enough to break an arm..
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Oh my, so realistic!
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  6.      about dream
    Because of my eye i grabbed the attention of a priest..(eww )
    he fell on his knees when we arrived with the bus (and he saw me)
    He taked about an ancient prediction: "..and he will bring us an angel, to lead protect guide us. It's lavender vision will see trough truth and lie, wrong and right."
    something like sounded so stupid..
    he kept calling me their "savior".. i ended up somehow getting him in jail
    6 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka ㅋㅋㅋ
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  7.      about dream
    The second one was..well..not very interesting i thought..
    I was helping out with many things like organizing, cooking and planing (because of the IQ thing..) i even helped muslims to get a room for their prayings..
    6 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    6 years ago
  8.      about dream

    Alright lemme tell you a few more things of the dream. The dream was already so long and weird so i wanted to exclude them
    First of all i had a back story..i was shot in the heart a year before (the apocalypse) and for some reason, it's a story i had in other dreams:

    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina) i mean..polish <-> partois..same same both starts with p..
    6 years ago
  9.      about dream
    Part 5:
    he killed the birds. BTS came and they were so pissed, that they cursed at those "fans". I was taking to the infirmary and barely survived. When i woke up, Yoongi said: I'm glad you two survived. I was at first confused and then i remembered my dog, but he put his hand on my belly and said "I didn't mean Shoona" with a big smile. A month later they fould a way to heal the animals and we could return to our homes, but i didn't..The boys said i HAD to come with them no matter what..and i did..then Yoongi yelled at me..aka my alarm clock YES, i have him as alarm, simple because it's still confusing AF to hear his voice in the morning..helps me to wake up
    6 years ago  
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  10.      about dream
    Part 4:
    The dog was recovering and days/weeks past, while Yoongi and i came closer (let's skip the awkward part here..) We came in touch with a "military/survivor" base, who tried to find all survivors and keep them safe. The staff were able to repair the bus and we all travelled to the base with everything useful we found. When we arrived there, some Armys were there (of course) and looked angry at me as i realized that i was holding hands with Yoongi A couple days later those armys locked me into an "outside room", it had a roof where sun and air came through, but no animals. They destroyed that roof and an eagle followed by other birds flew in and attacked me. Shoona jumped against the window a few times until it broke and..
    6 years ago  
  11.      about dream
    Part 3 :
    and as smart as a fox. Anyway, he was able to hurt but not kill the bear, so it would run away. The boys and their staff rushed into the building, Yoongi was the last one, as my dog started growling once again and a dog ran to Yoongi. Shoona got between them last second and defeated it, but got bitten. Yoongi helped me to get my boy in the building and i yelled someones name (a vet). Later that day a sat on a balcony (a closed one) with Shoona, if he survices the night, he will recover fully..Yoongi came to ask if my dog was ok and why i'm still awake. Well we ended up talking all night and fell asleep (my head on his shoulder, his head on mine) "OOOOOOOHH" We woke up to our friends making fun of the situation..
    6 years ago  
  12.      about dream
    Part 2:
    Shoona (the "dog", btw..i googled it just now's hindi for VERY PRETTY, LOVELY, ADORABLE well..) rushed by my side and the guys stepped back in shock. I told them, that he's not infected. I asked them to park the bus in a garage that we had, to not attract any attention. It was getting dark and i told them it's safer to stay the night. JK's stomach started growling and i laughed, saying we have some food to spare. They took some of their stuff, while Shoona and me stood infront of the bus as he started growling. A bear appeared and tried to attack. Shoona btw. had a medical condition due to the forced breeding (hybrids aren't normal like ligers), he grew bigger than a normal wolf would, he was as big as the bear and..
    6 years ago  
    Lord Congrats! @DoNichiArt
    6 years ago
  13.      about dream
    Ok..long story incoming
    Part 1:
    The dream started with me being in a gas station/hotel thingy with some strangers, my cats and a "dog" (it was a..wolf/fox hybrid..) it was some kind of apocalypse, where all kinds of pets/wild animals got aggressive and attacked humans. At some point a bus came closer and while i was in the kitchen, cooking with a friend
    Suddenly someone shot and i ran to the door. I was the "leader" of the group and one of our people shot a tire from the bus. When i saw the people that just wanted some gas, i freaked out on the inside and smashed the guys head against the wall, since he was pointing the gun at them..them as in BTS..
    6 years ago  
  14.      about dream
    it was actually only a short dream section, that i remember. I was in the last apartment where i lived with my "family" and i found a little pearl on the floor. When i picked it up, i heard a girls laugh and got hit on the back of my head. I turned around and saw this weird doll laying behind me. As i bend down to get the doll, she suddenly smiled creepily and jumped into my face. I throw her against the wall, left the room and made sure, the door was closed. I went to bed and fell asleep. A bit later i woke up to pearls falling down on me like hail, followed by the doll punching my face. I grabbed the doll, choked her and pressed all the perls into her mouth (idk why ). I took her to the kitchen and threw her into the oven.
    6 years ago  
    양 리나 (Rina) ha ha crazy, right?
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
  15.      about dream
    Last night I had a horrible nightmare. I was on vacation and I was kidnaped by the cult. I was in their church and everything was so dark and scary. They were using crosses to kill people and in the background played a creepy melody.
    6 years ago  
    Oktawian 옥탑이안 Yeah I hate nightmares
    6 years ago
    양 리나 (Rina)  sounds even possible..ugh.. luckily only a dream..
    6 years ago
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