  1.      about BadDay
    Hey guys. Today sucks for me
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 relax it's the weekend
    8 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 Hugs
    8 years ago
  2.      about BadDay
    Sorry if I'm not very active today. I don't feel good today so I'm just going to be a downer
    8 years ago  
    Bayan Hope you feel better soon *hugs*
    8 years ago
    Qing53 *hugs* sweetie
    8 years ago
  3.      about BadDay
    I really don't feel like going out and dealing with people today but I'll have to for NubNub. At least I can pick up the other diamond painting after since the post office is right across the street from the vet
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka 화이팅!
    8 years ago
  4.      about BadDay
    I am having such a sh*t day Everything annoys me and I'm so tired
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 try to relax and cuddle with your rats
    8 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Yeah, better take it easy today.
    8 years ago
  5.      about BadDay
    Can today be over yet?
    8 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka It will be soon enough. x)
    8 years ago
    Lord Congrats! @DoNichiArt
    8 years ago
  6.      about badday
    So apparently the bus schedule is different in the afternoon during the vacation period, s by the time I would've gotten to the hospital for my session I would've only had 10 minutes left so I'm not going. This day just keeps getting worse. I think I'll just go hide in my bed until tomorrow...
    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
  7.      about badday
    9 years ago  
    Ryan Morning~
    9 years ago
  8.      about badday
    what are you guys up to?
    9 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Ah...
    9 years ago
    Everiswhoiam ye ^-^
    9 years ago
  9. Recommender: JooYeon
         about badday
    its only 6 pm and im already tired ugh
    9 years ago  
  10.      about BadDay
    Worst day ever !! Aaaaaaaaaaaah I'm too cute for this shit !!
    10 years ago  
    Sam❤(박셔린) ~~~ You're too cute (period).
    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  11.      about BadDay
    what I had to do when you have a lousy day? today I'm tired of people that makes everything around it goes wrong
    10 years ago  
    최야스권 forget wat happened today and think about tomorrow
    10 years ago
    noor Ignore
    10 years ago
  12.      about badday
    Today has been tough .. first I let my dogs in the backyard and the puppy found his way out and was in the side of the house all I had was socks on and a sweatshirt and jeans I had to go get him (there is snow everywhere) then I got locked out with the puppy with only socks on no shoes in the snow I go to a friends house when I left it started snowing really bad I had no gloves or any this to clean the snow off the car..and my car got stuck in the snow
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린 I hope things are uphill from now~
    10 years ago
    Crystal (수정) Yes its better..Im finally home drinking 바나나맛우유
    10 years ago
  13.      about BadDay
    I had a bad day About to eat ice cream now
    11 years ago  
    Mika_h8 ohh *hugs * dont be sad dear enjoy your ice cream
    11 years ago
    김 야스 hugs and enjoy the icecream kkk
    11 years ago
  14.      about badday
    what a bad start to my day!! Spilled my hot cereal drink on my table, documents and precious note 2..... Sad sad...
    11 years ago  
    EmmaMYazid 언니. 안녕하세요! 오랜만이다.
    11 years ago
    badzz 다들 안녕하세요...네, 진짜 오랜만이에요. 연마니까 해야 한 일이 너무 많아서 바쁘게 일했어요.
    11 years ago
  15.      about BadDay

    I should take this advice... ;; I need to cheer up myself :/

    12 years ago  
    piepoi cheer up
    12 years ago
    12 years ago
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