  1. Recommenders: ryan other 4
         about ThankYou

    Ma boys and girls!!! I got my bachelor's degree today!!!! ♡ I'm so happy and I got to have breakfasts with Mr. President Luis Guillermo Solís this morning, he is such a humble, sweet, loving and respectful men, it was a total blast I was so happy hahaha thank you all for wishing the best during the process and I'm proud to say that it's over ♡

    8 years ago  
    Mika Congratulations dear
    8 years ago
    Maya13 Congrats Kika!!!!!
    8 years ago
  2.      about thankyou
    Thanks for pinks whoever you are, i can't see your name in shelves
    8 years ago  
    Lord Congrats! @sakuraboice
    8 years ago
  3.      about ThankYou
    I'm going to say goodnight already even though I'm not going to bed yet. But if I stay on here longer I'll be too hyper to go to bed or I won't want to leave the fun So goodnight for later and thank you all so much for the awesome day. You all made what I thought was going to a horrible day into something beautiful
    8 years ago  
    최야스권 good night sis
    8 years ago
    NOOR Sweet dreams
    8 years ago
  4.      about thankyou
    thanks god i'm not working tomorrow too we only had 2 days as eid's holidays i was bit angry cuz 2 days is nothing but my boss called us and said you can rest tomorrow too
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 yup sis selenne will work only 2 days this week since sat and sunday the weekend start
    9 years ago
    최야스권 agreed hermana
    9 years ago
  5.      about Thankyou
    minutes ago I had 2 pinks my flowers bloomed and gave me 30? thanks MP!!!!!
    9 years ago  
    Eveline Congratulations...
    9 years ago
    Selenne(셀레네) Thanks Eve!!!
    9 years ago
  6.      about Thankyou
    Who is the amazingly crazy person that gave me soooooo many perfumes???? How can I pay that back
    9 years ago  
     You're most welcome!
    9 years ago
    히바 its mp kkkkkk
    9 years ago
  7. Recommender: ryan
         about ThankYou

    Thank you for all your birthday wishes my mp family My 20th birthday has been very great

    9 years ago  
    Mika_할리메  yummy happy birthday sis
    9 years ago
    NOOR Happy birthday dear . I didn't know it was your birthday
    9 years ago
  8.      about thankyou
    monday =national day =i'm free
    sleep sleep sleep sleep
    9 years ago  
    Sam I want to sleep also on this beautiful Sunday afternoon ㅎㅎㅎ
    9 years ago
    최야스권 have a quiet and beautiful sunday naehna kkk sleep well
    9 years ago
  9. Recommenders: d_elf13 other 2
         about ThankYou
    I'm so thankful to be a part of our mp family I've been here 2 years so far and have met so many nice friends Thank you all for being amazing people and also for being so helpful when I first came here
    9 years ago  
    Blossom @Yas Thank you beautiful sis Yas I'm so happy to have met you too and all of our friends here
    9 years ago
    Ellyn Happy anniversary~
    9 years ago
  10.      about Thankyou

    From a dear friend I found on MP She always thinks of me when she travels Can't say enough thank you for all Btw. The korean chopsticks are so different

    9 years ago  
    Sam~~<@ Dorky is much better than stiff and stuck-up!
    9 years ago
    Sun 소연 ☀Treasa for Iris kkkk I won't discuss that kkkk
    9 years ago
  11.      about Thankyou
    "열심히 공구하지" Means?
    9 years ago  
  12.      about Thankyou
    Just got back and will take things easy. i had a good time with my family and things went well.
    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
    Sam Welcome back ~~
    10 years ago
  13. Recommenders: Zahra other 4
         about thankyou

    thank you all so much for wonderful birthday wishes! YOU made this day truly special! i'm happy to have you all in my life!

    10 years ago  
    lila @sam @mariz @G thank yaz! @judith thanks dear! @jasmine thank you sis! thank ya all so much
    10 years ago
    Qing53 Happy happy happy birthday my lovely hope you hvve alot of cakes there/as you know we're a big family kkk wish you all the best & I hope it's the beginning of a great year for you *Hugs*
    10 years ago
  14. Recommenders: amira11 other 5
         about ThankYou
    항상 고마워 (Korean)
    Thank you as always
    hang-sang go-ma-weo
    10 years ago  
    Jasmine If you don't use 요 then it means that the person you're talking to is a close friend
    10 years ago
    Mariz @Jasmine, got it now! Thank you for the explanation. @Ryan, i will continue to read your notes.
    10 years ago
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