1908 Minds
575 Friends
  1.      about buddhism

    I learned about Jijang Bosal (Jizo in Japanese). Being a member of the Kwan Um School of Zen, we get chanting requests for deceased to JiJang Bosal.

    10 years ago  
  2.      about hot
    Suppose to drive to Providence Zen Center this weekend. Fear the heat wave. No air conditioning + wearing monk robes = overheating.
    10 years ago  
  3.      about Free
    Hugs to all
    10 years ago  
    Sam Welcome back and hugs to you as well
    10 years ago
    judith hi Julia *hugs*
    10 years ago
  4.      about free
    what's new?
    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
    Blossom Hello It's been a while!
    10 years ago
  5.      about Study_Julia
    At Providence Zen Center, I met a Korean ajumma. 70 years old but looked 40. Former dancer. Full of energy. I tried to chat with her, but my Korean stuck in my throat. and she spoke SO fast. So I am determined to get back to studying Korean so I can say more the next time we meet.
    10 years ago  
    Sam Julia, Fighting!!
    10 years ago
  6. Recommenders: ryan other 2
         about hiking

    This is me hiking at Rock House Reservation

    10 years ago  
    최야스권 looks pretty
    10 years ago
    Sam Love the outdoors Especially when trees are that green and lush!
    10 years ago
  7. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about Inn

    Gazebo with flower garden, vegetable garden, pastures. 600 acres. 1700's Inn from Colonial days in Massachusetts when people went places by horse. On a rainy, windblown day I stopped here. Figured I should replace that picture of me in winter fleece.

    10 years ago  
  8.      about Hugs
    Enough with the photos. Now time to give away hugs to my friends.
    10 years ago  
    Julia I have had bunny rabbits appearing on my trip. Deer too. Feel like there is a good vibe around me now, shiny, happy Julia enjoying the outdoors now that winter finally ended.
    10 years ago
    Julia Yes, Ryan, I know MP Language school. I should brush up, too. For the last month, I have not studied my flashcards. I am starting to forget Korean.
    10 years ago
  9.      about River

    Mohawk Trail is a former indian trail, now Rte 2, that winds through forest, by rivers, across the state of Massachusetts. Mohawk is the name of native American tribe.

    10 years ago  
  10. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about River

    I keep being drawn to the river, sticking my feet in the cold mountain water. 강 물

    10 years ago  
    CC (っ´▽`)っ Me too.. Just the cold sensation on my feet is relaxing
    10 years ago
    Julia Yes. I have been taking trips in the area.
    Zen Mountain Monastery in Catskills, New York.
    Grafton Peace Pagoda in New York
    New England Peace Pagoda in Leverett Massachusetts
    Yushien Japanese Garden, Amherst College, Massachusetts
    Cambridge Zen Center, near Boston, Massachusetts
    Providence Zen Center, Rhode Island
    Rock House Reservation, a park in Central Mass
    Quabbin Reservoir, a large lake that gives water to whole state of Massachusetts
    Korean restaurant in Amherst, Chinese restaurant in Cambridge. Korean BBQ in Albany, NY.
    10 years ago
  11. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about Buddha

    novel about New York book editor Otto Ringling and Mongolian monk Volya Rinpoche, who embark on a road trip from Rinpoche's meditation center in North Dakota to the glitter and glitz of the Las Vegas strip.

    10 years ago  
  12. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about Book

    "Dinner with Buddha". A fiction book about a New Yorker and his brother-in-law who take a road trip together. Brother-in-law is a Buddhist monk. Funny & interesting characters & spiritual lessons.

    10 years ago  
    Sam A good book over a delicious meal!
    10 years ago
    최야스권 oh so yummy
    10 years ago
  13. Recommenders: ElinYasGD other 1
         about Zen

    Cambridge Zen Center. Opened in 1972, one of the first Korean Zen centers in USA. One of the Kwan Um School of Zen

    10 years ago  
    Julia 35 practitioners in residence, plus many more Buddhist who come to chant and bow
    10 years ago
  14. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about Zen

    Zen Mountain Monastery, near Woodstock, New York

    10 years ago  
  15. Recommender: ryan
         about Drawing

    클로버 clover 그림 drawing. Sketching while at a park.

    10 years ago  
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