61 Minds
27 Friends
  1. Recommender: IchaB
         about JIMIN

    For my new friend IchaB (BTS fan) ....I am also Jiminized I LUH HIM!!!

    10 years ago  
    ~*~K-PoP~*~AnGeL~*~ awww I don't drive right now, have to get my licence back, and I don't have a babysitter for my 10 year old son
    10 years ago
    IchaB Take him with you lol He can be part of the BTS Army as well haha
    10 years ago
  2.      about photo

    Oh day is getting better

    10 years ago  
  3.      about Korean
    사람들은 내부 아름다움 이 있어야합니다. 아름다움 은 피부 없습니다.
    10 years ago  
  4.      about music
    HUGE B.T.S. fan..... obsessed with Jimin here.... pretty much know all their songs by heart... but super love the Japanese versions especially this song...
    10 years ago  
    Crystal (수정) Hahaha I think suga is so adorable he has so much 애교 and Nam joon is just to funny he Crack me up.i like them but there not on my bias list.
    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  5.      about music
    Favorite song of Junsu, he is AWESOME LIVE!
    10 years ago  
  6.      about music
    Have you all seen Junsu's comeback video "Flower"? he has been gone for 2 years, I love this man to death, he's gorgeous, his voice like an angel, I swear he is from the higher Realms...this video is SUPER DEEP and visually intense so don't watch it if you are scared of that and super s*xiness!!
    10 years ago  
  7.      about music
    I think I have played this song and video a million times these past few why not again? The men are so gorgeous and the song is way too catchy!!
    10 years ago  
  8.      about music
    Love the boy bands...this one rocks!! ~*~ gettin up and dancing to this one!
    10 years ago  
  9.      about sorry
    hello friends. Sorry I been gone so long. Miss you all. Been so super busy. I hope to be able to come on more often. Hope everyone is well.
    10 years ago  
  10.      about pic

    Good evening everyone

    10 years ago  
    Ryan good morning~
    10 years ago
  11. Recommender: ryan
         about me
    10 years ago  
    Ryan Look good with piercing
    10 years ago
    ~*~K-PoP~*~AnGeL~*~ Thank you s*xy Ryan lol
    10 years ago
  12. Recommender: ryan
         about Rockpaperscissors

    Here's one for you Ryan, Rock paper scissors: how to solve problems in South Korea LOL

    10 years ago  
    Ryan well Rock for men in Korea!
    10 years ago
    ~*~K-PoP~*~AnGeL~*~  Diamonds for women then we WIN !! they are harder than rocks!
    10 years ago
  13.      about FunnySolarSystem

    Funny Solar System...4 K-Pop fans...notice where Taeyang

    10 years ago  
    Ryan ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you just remind me to rescue Brenda!
    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  14. Recommender: ryan
         about SouthKoreanflag

    This is so cool about the South Korean flag!

    10 years ago  
  15. Recommenders: LouiseH other 1
         about Koreanwords
    10 years ago  
    Ryan haha I see~~ appreciate it
    10 years ago
    ~*~K-PoP~*~AnGeL~*~ you're welcome
    10 years ago
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