  1.      about Mano
    어렸을 때 올림픽 게임을 봤을 때 한국을 만났어.
    When I was young and I saw the Olympics I got to know about Korea.
    Is this right?
    10 years ago  
    Mika_할리메 아~~ 나도 월드 컵 2002 때문에 한국을 만났어 ㅎㅎ
    10 years ago
    최야스권 me since 2002 the world cup
    10 years ago
  2.      about Mano
    I see a lot of new faces
    But I feel like the new one here lol
    10 years ago  
  3.      about Mano
    Credo che dopp tutto cambierò anch'io
    10 years ago  
  4.      about Mano
    Tendré que cambiar mi horario completamente o moriré
    11 years ago  
  5.      about Mano
    Se supone que yo me iba a ir hace rato
    11 years ago  
  6.      about Mano
    Mañana me tengo que llevantar temprano y no quiero, no quiero
    11 years ago  
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