  1.      about mandytic
    If I could return to the past... Or if I could go through the time and stop in the future. What would happen?
    13 years ago  
    ryan @Gift Thanks anyway ---;;;;;;
    13 years ago
    yjgift @oppa don't mention it ;P
    13 years ago
  2.      about mandytic
    Good Morning! I came to wish a Happy Day! ^-^ And so be it ~ going to University, bye bye (:
    13 years ago  
    yjgift Have a good day, Mandy ^^
    13 years ago
    ryan Good morning~~
    13 years ago
  3.      about MANDYTIC
    잘자요~! ^--^ Time to sleep.
    13 years ago  
    ryan Good night~~~
    13 years ago
  4. Recommender: ryan
         about MANDYTIC
    How have you been? I feel a bit tired. My final tests have started and will end on May 31st. I hope get good grades. So, I will be on vacations on June *--* If I disappear, do not worry, just until the end of the month. Kakaka~
    13 years ago  
  5. Recommender: ryan
         about MANDYTIC
    Finished my studies for today. Time to rest. I hope tomorrow will be a productive day. ^-^
    13 years ago  
    ryan keke good job~
    13 years ago
    0705theMandy 고마워요. ^^~
    13 years ago
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