  1.      about Curiousity
    I posted a photo of my art work on my Ig account and shared it on my twitter account earlier. And when I checked my twitter notifs, someone named "Lauren Heller" added me on her list of "LaurenHellerArt/WaterColor" .. And I was like "???"
    I don't know what it is about. o.o
    10 years ago  
    Alexandra Ohh, thank you. I was looking for it at your other one.
    10 years ago
    Lorie Haha. I'm sorry unnie Alex, I forgot that I have 2 twitter accts.
    Sun unnie, Okay! hihi my username is @elseeeeeeeee
    10 years ago
  2.      about Curiousity
    11 years ago  
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