1908 Minds
575 Friends
  1.      about fortune
    What will this fall hold for me? 가을 시즌
    10 years ago  
  2. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about Bible

    I met a Korean woman in my town, and she gave me a Korean bible.

    10 years ago  
    아비 Nice~ I want one too
    10 years ago
  3.      about hi
    안녕하세요. Hello everyone. Miss me?
    10 years ago  
    Julia I've been incredibly busy trying to get healthy. Lots of doctors poking and testing. Lots of people telling me to eat better, exercise, stress out less, etc. Take care of your health, people. Otherwise, consequences will slow you down.
    10 years ago
    Qing53 Hello Julia ofc we missed you stay healthy & take care
    10 years ago
  4.      about Art

    Still trying to learn to draw.

    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka Nice! The mobile screen sucks at showing the pics well but I see a pretty flower and some bugs there.
    10 years ago
    Ryan Nice!
    10 years ago
  5.      about Study_Julia

    Did I share this already? I am trying to practice more Korean. I wrote very dull sentences about my groceries.
    식료품을 담을 작은 봉지.
    아침에 우유와 시리얼을 먹어요.
    저녁에 토마토 소스 스파게티로 맛있어요.
    아침 식사로 오트밀 메이플 시럽을 위에 맛이 달콤해요.
    참치 단백질을 있어요. 점심 식사로 저는 참치 샌드위치를 만들어요. (I think 만들다 is the wrong word for making a sandwich. 요리하다?)
    사과 소스와 견과 간식을 먹어요. Apple sauce and nuts are snacks.
    식류품 선믈은 좋은 있어요. Groceries are a nice gift.
    Haha. It took me an hour to write those few sentences!

    10 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka You're doing well! I wish I could do this much! I understood at least half of it though so I'll be happy about that too.
    10 years ago
    Julia 고맙습니다. I appreciate the encouragement, Hanna-Rikka.
    10 years ago
  6.      about chulmoon

    Chulmoon had never heard of Rice Krispies (a rice cereal Americans eat). I tried to explain.
    우유를 시리얼로 위에 부어라. 문철씨 Rice Krispies 들어봐요. SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! 시리얼 소리를 내요. When you pour milk on Rice Krispies cereal, it makes noises snap, crackle, pop. 재미있어요. 아이들은 시리얼에 소음을 듣는 것을 좋아해요. Children like to listen to the cereal go snap, crackle, pop.
    시리얼과 마시멜로 쌀 디저트 만든다. Cereal plus marshmallow makes "rice krispies treat" a very sweet, sticky dessert that children eat. 달아요

    10 years ago  
  7.      about Chulmoon
    Want to hear how Chulmoon and I are doing? I am still struggling to write Korean. He is still patient, funny, wise, and wonderful. ^^
    10 years ago  
    Ryan Good to hear
    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  8.      about Farm

    I could send you a million pictures of cute farm animals I got to play with yesterday. Sorry for the spam. I want to look up the korean words for each animal. I could remember some, but not all.

    10 years ago  
  9.      about farm

    Clever goats pull the bucket of feed up to the top platform.

    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
  10.      about Farm

    Here I am at another Berkshire farm. Petting the sheep, cows, goats, ducks, etc.

    10 years ago  
    Ryan Hello~ both are pretty
    10 years ago
    Julia HAHA
    10 years ago
  11. Recommender: ryan
         about Hancock
    10 years ago  
    최야스권 Love the chair looks comfortable
    10 years ago
  12.      about Hancock

    Here is the man who led our singing. He is dressed in Shaker clothing. Notice the wooden benches and wood stove. Shakers would hold religious meetings with lots of singing and dancing, some times late into the night, all for the glory of God. We got to clap, stomp, and generally make a lot of noise in the Meeting House.

    10 years ago  
  13.      about Hancock

    Here is a bonnet and 2 capes the women would have worn at Hancock Shaker Village.

    10 years ago  
  14. Recommenders: IndraMex other 1
         about Hancock

    So colorful! Loved the flowers at Hancock Shaker Village. This is one of the "living museums" in Massachusetts. All original buildings from the 17th century plus working activities like furniture making, farming, weaving, raising animals, blacksmith. People dress in shaker clothing and explain the life. I got to sing and dance with them in the meeting house. Fun!

    10 years ago  
    Sam The flowers are beautiful
    10 years ago
    Indra sunflowers
    10 years ago
  15. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about Hancock

    The gardens at Hancock Shaker Village are filled with heritage varieties. many plants grown for their medicinal qualities or for dyes of textiles.

    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
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