현 애
7 Minds
8 Friends
  1.      about 안녕
    Hi everyone~ What time is it now there? It's night time here. I hope everyone is doing fine.
    9 years ago  
    현 애 haha.. i'm going to sleep now. bye.. enjoy the trip..
    9 years ago
    양 마리 good night
    9 years ago
  2.      about hey
    Hi everyone.. How are you doing? I've been doing nothing since this morning. Lol.. my day was so unproductive.
    9 years ago  
    Ryan Yup!
    9 years ago
    현 애 good.. rest well then
    9 years ago
  3.      about newthing
    Someone told me that there is no 좋은 하루 되세요.. it's 좋은 하루 보내세요 instead..
    9 years ago  
    Ryan 굿모닝~
    9 years ago
  4.      about frustrated
    I'm staying in a hostel with a roommate. She told me she can't do her works if it's too noisy so I've been restraining myself from making any noise. But now she's playing a song repeatedly while sleeping. How should i react exactly to this?
    9 years ago  
    현 애 Maybe i can still tolerate with it. Thanks for the advice tho.
    9 years ago
    Ryan Fighting
    9 years ago
  5.      about tired
    It's been a while since I'm here.. But still learning korean somewhere in this world. lol.. Just having a hectic days because i need to write my thesis. ㅠㅠ
    9 years ago  
    Ryan feel free to ask anything about MP
    9 years ago
    현 애 @ryan sure.. thank you
    9 years ago
  6.      about :(
    Hi everyone.. Can someone teach me how to add song?
    9 years ago  
    Ryan mm you can search friends's songs too~
    9 years ago
    현 애 thank you.. i'll try later
    9 years ago
  7.      about bored
    안녕 하세요.. it's late already but I don't want to sleep. lol..
    9 years ago  
    Ryan 안녕하세요~~
    9 years ago
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