10 Minds
2 Friends
  1.      about 배고파
    아아아~ 아주배고파
    12 years ago  
    yjgift 빨리 밥 먹어~~~
    12 years ago
    Julia_Moonburn Just eaten^^ Nom nom nom
    12 years ago
  2.      about mood
    Feeling so bored lately~
    12 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrat! @Julia_Moonburn
    12 years ago
  3.      about hello
    Morning friends~
    12 years ago  
    Julia_Moonburn Hello sweetheart :-3
    12 years ago
    Cici How are you?
    12 years ago
  4.      about food
    We had a free moment so we baked an apple pie for us and other employees as well :-3
    12 years ago  
    Julia_Moonburn I don't have anything to take a pic with '' But here you go, have some ^^ *passes a plate with a piece of pie*
    12 years ago
    Angeleanne I want
    12 years ago
  5.      about 바빠
    Okay, I gotta be off! Talk later friends :-3
    12 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrat! @Julia_Moonburn
    12 years ago
    ryan See you~~ 화이팅!!
    12 years ago
  6.      about sharks
    Sharks! X_x
    12 years ago  
    AngryShark Congrat! @HannaWang
    12 years ago
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