  1.      about recommend
    Can I ask: what are the places you recommend to visit in Korea for this month of december? will be visiting for 11 days.. and I'm planning the places that we will visit. I'm with my family :D
    10 years ago  
    Nikka I'm hoping someone korean or people who visited korea would reply thanks =)) I have searched too, I just wanna survey
    10 years ago
    Sam 박셔린~♥ Gift or oppa himself can...Hmmm...
    10 years ago
  2. Recommender: ElisaPaola
         about Recommend
    Elisa, you should watch it !
    11 years ago  
    Mey ~<@ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ it is sad !! Shocked at first
    11 years ago
    엘리사 파올라 Yeah, I kinda get what you mean. I saw a drama that was shocking in the first minutes too
    11 years ago
  3.      about Recommend
    Any good music you recommend for I to download...
    I just finished the math homework and don't have anything else to do
    12 years ago  
  4.      about recommend
    I want to sing a korean song..but I don't know which :< can you please recommend me a good song??
    12 years ago  
    HannaWang @Iris: 謝謝~ 現在我的腦袋空空的
    12 years ago
    kwanning0606 @Hanna 我的腦袋載滿草 KKK~~讓我放些雪糕往你的腦袋
    12 years ago
  5. Recommenders: Julia_Moonburn other 2
         about Recommend
    완전 강추야! (Korean)
    I totally recommend it!
    WanJeon GangChuYa!
    12 years ago  
  6. Recommenders: CarolinAna20 other 2
         about Recommend
    가볼만한 곳이야 (Korean)
    It's good place to be
    GaBolManHan GoSiYa
    12 years ago  
  7.      about Recommend
    It's 12:45 am. RaMyeon or Ice cream? Which one?
    14 years ago  
    ryan Nope just for me.. like this site
    14 years ago
    piepoi hahaha.. well~ ramyeon ^^
    14 years ago
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