  1.      about military
    in korea, girlfriends of soldiers(guys enlisted) are called "Rubber Shoes" while they are called "Army Boots" by girlfriends. am i right??
    how do you say them in korean?
    8 years ago  
    양 마리  never heard that before.. but it doesn't sound nice
    8 years ago
    yanHae15 actually. it's kinda sweet. hahaha. i can't remember exactly the story as to why they call each other that so i might mess it up. if anyone knows it, pls do tell me.
    from what i remember, they are wildly used in Korean for women who waits for their boyfriend who is serving the army. it's a flower shoes or something that symbolizes a girl being faithful in waiting for her boyfriend to return. for the guy, i think it's army boots or combat boots. i can't remember. haha
    8 years ago
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