  1.      about discipline
    안녕하세요~ 여러분, 저는 웨스예요! 만나서 반갑습니당 ^^
    I'm here to learn korean, so I hope we all can learn together. Especially because I need to be more disciplined with my korean studies since I study 'by myself' :/
    9 years ago  
    Uphuin 핀 indonesia called it "otodidak"
    9 years ago
    웨스 Yeah, I fully understand.. actually I'm also learning english kk
    그리고 같이 공부합시다 ^^
    9 years ago
  2.      about discipline
    believe me if i said i'm hungry kkk but i won't eat i don't sleep well at night when i eat at night i got used to a daily routine and should be disciplined
    9 years ago  
  3.      about Discipline
    oooo.....ep.3 is uploaded already !!!!! self-control self discipline........DONT GO~~~
    11 years ago  
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