  1.      about bird
    This little friend woke me up
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 cute
    8 years ago
    Selenne (셀레네) Yup to noisy
    8 years ago
  2.      about bird

    Hey, that's my food!

    10 years ago  
    noor Haha
    10 years ago
  3.      about bird
    i love it
    11 years ago  
  4. Recommenders: ElinYasGD other 2
         about bird

    closest bird i've ever saw make a home there and didn't leave

    11 years ago  
    Ryan kkk I know~
    11 years ago
    masterz2012 who knows;) that could happen
    11 years ago
  5. Recommenders: ElisaPaola other 2
         about Bird

    Beautiful bird ~
    We call it 'merak' bird

    11 years ago  
    Hanna-Riikka In Finnish: Riikinkukko
    11 years ago
    Mey ~<@ ~ all in pretty name
    11 years ago
  6.      about Bird
    Dont like being a lonely bird at all...
    12 years ago  
    Kareen bree
    12 years ago
    willalex Kkkkkk
    12 years ago
  7. Recommenders: CarolinAna20 other 1
         about bird
    12 years ago  
    HannaWang from far looks like a tennis ball
    12 years ago
    Mika_ist08 ahahhaha dying~~~
    12 years ago
  8. Recommenders: Renegade other 3
         about Bird

    Birdy, my new friend

    12 years ago  
    Dan Haha I'll take your word for it ange haha hahaha
    12 years ago
    noranoona It is a bird not girl not guy
    12 years ago
  9.      about Bird
    rock paper stone?
    12 years ago  
  10.      about Bird
    Water Bird Stone!
    12 years ago  
  11.      about Bird
    I'm back
    12 years ago  
    noranoona Back
    12 years ago
    willalex Hi dear~
    12 years ago
  12. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about bird
    Hehe, the quality isn't that good, but this is the cutest bird ever!
    12 years ago  
    paint_by_words kkk Oppa it is so cute. :D
    12 years ago
    NicoleHan amazing!!!
    12 years ago
  13. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about Bird

    I think this one didn't upload. Same bird as before. Rainbow Lorikeet! :D

    13 years ago  
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