  1.      about storytime
    I love story time : Hensel and Gretel ♥
    8 years ago  
  2.      about Storytime
    Once upon a time there was a community of people from all across the globe coming together in a wondrous place called Mp
    Most of them enjoy the moment especially...
    Specially to finding some poops xD
    so finally 핀 went to take a shower
    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    Ellyn HAHAHAAHAHAA what a plot twist
    9 years ago
  3. Recommenders: sadeysnake other 2
         about Storytime
    Once there was a girl who loved animals. She lived In a really big house it almost seemed to be a mansion. With this lovely house she had about 2 acres of land where people would say she had her own zoo
    ,she went by the name of Bob Marley and she had a degree in Business & Law, right at the moment that we were writing her story the plot twisted and something unwritten happened to her; it was out of our control now, so...
    her story had to be continued by an ordinary human being. She had her big house but she lost her acres of land to aliens, vampires, zombies, and pandas. She didn't know what to do so...
    so she sold her land to a Korean named Ryan and helped him build his mindpasta company with the building specially shaped like fried chicken for everyone who's hungry The End~
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn I'm sorry I'm hungry
    10 years ago
    Crystal (수정) Aww this so cute
    10 years ago
  4. Recommenders: ryan other 1
         about Storytime
    There was a young man that stayed late at work. When it was time for him to leave it was very dark outside, and there was a fog you can tell from the street lights. As we was walking, he saw a few stores opened, but one store had very nice gentle music playing..
    Suddenly, a bunch of zombies ran into the store..
    he doesn't know what to do so cried and called ironman, But ironman was so busy ironing his suit so he can'y go. Instead he called spiderman to ..
    use his spidey senses to help the young man and save the day. Spiderman got rid of the zombies, the young man got home safely, and Spiderman became one of the Avengers. The End
    10 years ago  
    Ellyn I can't imagine
    10 years ago
    Crystal (수정) Hahaha I like this alot
    10 years ago
  5.      about Storytime
    There was a girl whole loved 빙수. When ever she went to the korea town in her area she always got 빙수. One day she ran out of ingredients to make it...
    She decided to go to the north pole to get ice...
    However, the reindeers and the elves showed her candies and toys. So...
    She decided to find her spaceship and go back to mars
    10 years ago  
    Ryan Did she find the spaceship??
    10 years ago
    Smiles I am just curious; she lost it?
    10 years ago
  6. Recommenders: samlad other 1
         about storytime
    Once upon a time there was girl who was going to take a nap. Instead of taking a nap she started online shopping...
    She liked so many items , and she couldn't stop herself from buying ....
    However, she remembered about her dream to travel all over Korea. So then...
    She decide to take a nap as soon as possible.
    10 years ago  
    yolanda Hahaha... Is it a perfect end? Cause You said dangerous
    10 years ago
    Crystal (수정) great ending
    10 years ago
  7.      about StoryTime
    The cold wind blew past my face, it's icy touch caressing my cheeks, it's eerie sound whispering on my ears.
    To any other person, staying under the bright light of the night is weird, but for me, it's perfect. Peacful.
    I was relaxing, my eyes closed, when I heard something moved somewhere..
    In the encaging orange forrest known as burnt umberest, I lay still my attention peaked when I saw the big old floppy ears that belonged not to a bunny but to me instead, I quickly grabed my mighty grimlock of the darkest magic and summoned my unholly thoughts to take shape of a hell beast called...
    10 years ago  
    Smiles I wish someone would right the next part
    10 years ago
  8. Recommender: samlad
         about Storytime
    Once upon a time, it was late and there was a girl who was still awake...
    This girl stays awake, gawking at namjas!XD until one magical night when her most favorite KPop man jumped out of the computer screen and...
    Went back into the screen...
    to hide
    10 years ago  
    Crystal (수정)  lol its okay next time @smiles
    10 years ago
    Smiles Sometimes the truth sucks. ;)
    10 years ago
  9.      about Storytime
    Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Lexi. She has three sisters and nine brothers.....
    All of them love chocolate chip cookies and milk.however, they love to share 1 glass of day...
    10 years ago  
    10 years ago
  10.      about Storytime
    Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Halene.
    Halene farted lots!!! She needed to go the bathroom and...
    When she went to the bathroom,she saw something in her underwear and she screamed!!! Her mom said, Halene, what's wrong?...Halene answered...
    Nothing mom!!! It's just a little...(big) poop! Hahahaha..XD LOL!!!
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린~♥ C'Mon friends~~~
    10 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka I can't figure out continuance...
    10 years ago
  11.      about storytime
    A cute bear was trying to learn Korean and didn't know what Annyeong meant.....
    A beautiful alien appeared and said the meaning of annyeong...
    the cute bear went home and all the way he shouted "annyeong"to everyone around
    The Bear and alien became friends and the Alien told the bear about a website called "Mindpasta" where he could practice Korean. (Blossom)
    11 years ago  
    chicken :"D greedy
    11 years ago
    Zahra it's a nice ending Blossom ^^
    11 years ago
  12.      about StoryTime
    14 am
    it's so cold and dark at the outside..
    i was alone waiting .... maybe someone will come .. after all its valentine today ...
    that someone came, but I fell asleep
    11 years ago  
    Natasha  nice ending
    11 years ago
    KwanNing66 uhahahah sorry to ruin this valentine mood
    11 years ago
  13.      about StoryTime
    3 40 am...
    My eyes still wide open.. i was playing some games in mp... suddenly there was a weird sounds came out from the closets... and..
    I didn't know what happened on the world!
    let's cook something and take pinks XD XD - THE END -
    11 years ago  
    Cici Finish...
    11 years ago
  14.      about StoryTime
    12:00 am...
    Running for good dreams...
    6: 30 am woke up. .... now im going back to sleep +_+
    I'm lazy :P
    12 years ago  
  15.      about StoryTime
    Maybe is time to sleep...
    4:00am in Porto Rico and there's a beautiful girl named Cici who's still up :p
    while beautiful cici still stay up at this time...she met angle Mejda who is driving with "loads of bless" in her car~
    Huumm story not good enough let's start again ....hahahXD XD *let's take the pink *XD XD XD
    12 years ago  
    Cici hahaha Yes Oppa
    Aww Mejda your so sweet
    12 years ago
    mejda hhhhh thx sweety
    12 years ago
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