  1.      about NewRoom

    Our BigBang wall... And my Team H album... What we are listening now...

    12 years ago  
  2.      about NewRoom

    My computer and lots of k-pop posters ^^

    12 years ago  
    NicoleHan wow!!! i will never be able to decorate my room like that!!! 대박!
    12 years ago
  3.      about NewRoom

    Our window and fr-amed Tabi posters (which hopefully will be soon hanging in wall)

    12 years ago  
  4.      about NewRoom

    My boyfriends imperium...

    12 years ago  
  5.      about NewRoom

    Our bed and so called J-Rock wall

    12 years ago  
    ryan haha cool
    12 years ago
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