  1.      about MPApp
    Currently using a samsung phone... don't know if it's because of the higher specs or if Ryan din some updating with the app, but MPapp now seems to run more smoothly now than in my previous lenovo phone.
    7 years ago  
    Lyra 김리세 Hahha dont bash my old phone 언니... ㅋㅋ
    7 years ago
    Ryan Sorry.. I haven’t updated the app
    7 years ago
  2.      about MPApp

    Aaah..i don't like it..

    9 years ago  
    MaRi It's now a few days like that..i have to use the browser now
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  3.      about MPApp
    Woah..the MP App is not nice to me it's not loading correctly or give me only a white screen
    9 years ago  
    9 years ago
    AngryShark Congrats! @KittyVanCat
    9 years ago
  4.      about MPapp
    Just downloaded mp app to muy phone (~'.')~
    10 years ago  
  5. Recommenders: LouiseH other 1
         about MpApp
    Pull to Refresh works fine
    10 years ago  
    Sam 박셔린 oppa, you're almost there! ~~
    Please don't be sad~~
    10 years ago
    Monique Aja oppa!!! I'll raise the remaining energy of mine and make an energy ball out of it..
    10 years ago
  6.      about MpApp
    Building MP app for iOS
    10 years ago  
    Ning66 二零一五! um? done with login page?
    10 years ago
    Ryan 다 됐어요. 그런데 push notification 연구해 보려구요
    10 years ago
  7.      about MPApp
    Para os novos usuários, baixem o app do MindPasta no PlayStore.
    (Está disponível apenas pra versão Android 4, acho~ )
    11 years ago  
  8.      about MPApp
    Updated MP app on my mom's tablet.
    11 years ago  
    Sammy Your mom's ready to join MP!
    11 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Hahah! Yeah.
    11 years ago
  9.      about mpapp
    what will be the next development in mp app? i wonder....
    11 years ago  
    삼이~~~♡ Hhhmmmm...maybe...
    11 years ago
  10.      about mpapp
    Yeaayy! I'm starting using mindpasta app from play store... great app ryan oppa!! :D
    11 years ago  
  11.      about MPApp
    I have only had a smartphone a short time. I don't fully understand how it works. So I get nervous about apps. I hate apps that decide to update themselves all the time (why use up my data when it isn't even an app I use?)
    Will Mindpasta download when I am not logged in? When I am logged in, does it download a lot? Obviously lots of things get posted, so if it is going to download to my phone every time someone posts, it makes me nervous of using up my limited data plan.
    11 years ago  
  12.      about MPApp
    I'm using Mindpasta app from Play Store now. How does this differ from
    11 years ago  
    Ryan It makes icon on your phone *morning*
    11 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka I kind of have one on my phone even though I can't download the app on it. Windows phones have the tiles on desktop so when you pin the site on the desktoo it gets its own tile = kind of an icon. But the app seems to work so well done @oppa! I'll give you 5stars!
    11 years ago
  13.      about MPapp
    What time for the celebration? I must Sleep if i wanna wake up so early
    11 years ago  
    삼이~~~♡ Oppa said 11 pm KST
    11 years ago
  14. Recommenders: Nazgul other 3
         about MPapp

    To Ryan! Congratulations for the MP app, so proud of you boy, i'll be waiting for App Store!!!! *cheers*

    11 years ago  
    Ryan Thanks~~ kkk sorry for iPhone users include me
    11 years ago
  15. Recommender: samlad
         about MPapp
    Congratulations oppa for the launching of MP app
    But i'm sorry i'm not android user
    Looking forward to seeing MP app in AppStore fighting!
    11 years ago  
    어떻게든`널`잊어보려`했어♡ AppStore to come soon 내 딸! 안녕하세요!
    11 years ago
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