  1.      about Adventure
    Who here is going to watch the solar eclipse?
    8 years ago  
    ItsCiciThe3rd No. On Monday
    8 years ago
    양 마리 ah ok..thanks
    8 years ago
  2. Recommenders: ElinYasGD other 2
         about adventure

    Enjoy life to the fullest. . . . Mt. Hapunang Banoy

    9 years ago  
    Ryan oh cool!!
    9 years ago
    MinRin Yeah, lets have some fun while we can and still single. . .lol
    9 years ago
  3.      about Adventure

    My friend and I went to Melbourne Central... Not because I nagged her that I wanted to go to the awesome Korean Grocer across from Melbourne Central Station but because I wanted to see if they had those BigBang Drinks.... I GOT LUCKY ^O^ I was so happy I nearly cried... And we got some other things as well It was fun!

    13 years ago  
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