  1.      about -.-
    Bad headaches since 2 days, bad mood since yesterday..what comes next?
    8 years ago  
    양 마리 of course
    8 years ago
    NOOR OK then
    8 years ago
  2.      about -.-
    Aah whatever...
    10 years ago  
  3.      about -.-
    I have a test today...
    11 years ago  
    noor Best of luck
    11 years ago
    Priscila Bianca Thanks guys
    11 years ago
  4.      about -.-
    I have a headache.
    11 years ago  
  5.      about -.-
    today's day started with bad thing... my tablet is died
    11 years ago  
    Zahra I hope they can fix it
    11 years ago
    Kitta (◕ܫ◕ღ) me too i miss my tablet kkk
    11 years ago
  6.      about -.-
    I woke up early, now I'm sleepy
    11 years ago  
  7.      about -.-
    dull moment~
    11 years ago  
    Sam There's no dull moment in MP You just have to make your own noise!
    11 years ago
  8.      about -.-
    shower time~seya in a bit
    11 years ago  
    Greig take care =]
    11 years ago
    AngryShark Congrat! @Orvokki
    11 years ago
  9.      about -.-
    It's Sunday~
    Plan: Learning
    D-Day: 02/23/2014
    Goal: Schoolwork
    How to: history's homework -.-
    11 years ago  
  10.      about -.-
    12 years ago  
    ryan Look at your flowers~
    12 years ago
    imakayepopper Ryan what am i gong to do with the flowers now.. I already have 6 perfumes.. I dont know how to play the game...
    12 years ago
  11.      about -.-
    this morning my eyes are still a bit glued kkk
    12 years ago  
    Zahra kkk morning sleepy Hanna
    12 years ago
    HannaWang morning~~
    12 years ago
  12.      about -.-
    @.@ I don't think i can keep my eyes open anymore~
    12 years ago  
    Amel_Lin 나잇 한나 씨스~~ ㅋㅋ 잘자~~
    12 years ago
    kwanning0606 Seeya!!!! HANNA
    12 years ago
  13.      about -.-
    my body clock change a lot ()'
    12 years ago  
  14.      about -.-
    my eyes hurt u.u
    12 years ago  
    ryan and take care~
    12 years ago
    bratzjzel thanks oppa, you too~
    12 years ago
  15.      about -.-
    typingajhduihs "-.- what the..........
    12 years ago  
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