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  1.      about Korea

    some photos of Korean War

    9 years ago  
    Ryan yeah kinda~ I haven't planned to show them all to guests from twitter
    9 years ago
    양 마리 ah ok
    9 years ago
  2.      about Korea
    We have 초복, 중복, 말복 of 3 days in summer. It's kind of dog days of summer. We eat 삼계탕 on theses days. Also some of old people eat 보신탕 but not much lately.
    We call these foods as 보양식. It's kind of healthy food when hot day.
    I didn't know when was 초복 so I didn't eat 삼계탕.
    I will eat 2 portion of 삼계탕 on 중복. ㅋㅋㅋ
    Koreans ate dogs after war because getting foods was really hard since Korean war(1950~1953). Nowadays just little/some of old people eat 보신탕(dog meat) in Korea. I haven't seen them for past years and people who have dogs as pet are increasing fast
    9 years ago  
    Ninggg :X Ellyn, many dogs in mainland china are grown to only be eaten too...
    9 years ago
    Ellyn so sad TT_TT
    9 years ago
  3.      about Korea
    Have you eaten Korean ice cream?
    9 years ago  
    시리나 네! 붕어싸만코가 가장 좋아요
    9 years ago
    MaRi 양 마리 You can't find it here
    9 years ago
  4. Recommenders: LouiseH other 3
         about Korea
    Korea has two kinds of holiday for religion. The one is 석가 탄신일 this is for celebrating of birth of Buddha(석가) the other is Christmas for birth of Jesus.
    Christmas is 25th of Dec but 석가 탄신일 is not fixed because it is used lunar calendar.
    10 years ago  
    _ya_ya Buddha celebration in Thailand have too, this year is next Monday
    10 years ago
    Ryan That's true as the same reason I don't know my birthday every year
    10 years ago
  5. Recommenders: Neko_nyasu other 3
         about Korea

    kkkk We have 2 types of toilet in the buildings, subway stations and other public restroom like these pics not house. If you came to Korea, go to a toilet in the suway station. They have both types of toilet and toilet paper.
    kkkk what a funny video @mey

    11 years ago  
    ElinYasGD With the huge numbers of poops that we share on MP I think that toilet doesn't enough and useful oppa we need something big
    11 years ago
    m3y Kkk yes Yas, we need elephant toilet or Gorilla toilet
    11 years ago
  6. Recommenders: eunhyoonique other 6
         about Korea

    Lunar New Year day.
    Korea, China... have another caledar by chaning shape of moon. This day we can see a full moon in the night sky. Koreans go to their hometown for ancestral rites. We call it '차례 지내다' after it everyone eats 떡국.
    We believe we get one more age after eating it. After meal, we greet to their parents and relatives with respect-we call it 세배하다- then they give words of blessing and some money to kids. some families visit to family member's grave or visit other relatives. This day is very happy day to kids with a lot of pocket money.

    11 years ago  
    ElinYasGD i didn't know that tahnks
    11 years ago
    bibo ur welcome 7biba
    11 years ago
  7. Recommenders: Monyhazem other 5
         about Korea

    Temples in Korea have this. We call it 풍경(Pung-Gyeong)
    They believe that fish can open their eyes all the time so it can protect them from bad thing.

    12 years ago  
    kwanning0606 watchman fish
    12 years ago
    Araziig Niceeeeeeeeeeee
    12 years ago
  8. Recommenders: CarolinAna20 other 3
         about Korea

    These are bus in Korea. Which door we use to get in the bus?

    1. Only front door
    2. Only back door
    3. Both of them

    12 years ago  
    CarolinAna20 Why cant I live in Korea???!!!! =( Look at these cute buses.... they look like the transformers!!! ^-^ Ours are just plain white with blue and red. Anyways, I got it right! ; )
    12 years ago
    CarolinAna20 Oh and I wish I could ride at least once in my life.... I wish!!
    12 years ago
  9. Recommenders: Amel_Lin other 7
         about Korea
    Do you know the South Korea? I strongly recommend to watch this video
    13 years ago  
    Reina beautiful!!!! the view of the weather... the kids.. the people.. the fountains.. the fireworks.. the people singing... the mountains in the end... everything!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    12 years ago
    Julia_Moonburn So beautiful! T____T I wanna go someday...
    12 years ago
  10.      about Korea
    When Korea held the Olympic?
    1. 1986
    2. 1988
    3. 1990
    4. 1992
    13 years ago  
    arums well, let's say... - just to play things down - that we, italians, feel the same every time we defeat France.
    13 years ago
    ryan ㅋㅋㅋ That's why! lol
    13 years ago
  11.      about Korea
    How different the Korea's time from Greenwich Mean Time?
    1. 7Hours faster
    2. 7Hours slower
    3. 9Hours faster
    4. 9Hours slower
    13 years ago  
    pLusOne 아 이거 저도 헷깔리는...
    13 years ago
    ryan ㅋㅋㅋ
    13 years ago
  12.      about Korea
    This city is located about 420km away from Seoul and we called 2nd city in Korea. What's is the city's name?
    1. 인천
    2. 광주
    3. 대구
    4. 부산
    13 years ago  
    ryan @arum means should 배워야하다 means should learn
    13 years ago
    arums I meant the tone... I like the accent of Pusan... it's lovely.
    13 years ago
  13.      about Korea
    How do we call the subway in Korea as normal?
    1. 기차
    2. 택시
    3. 버스
    4. 지하철
    13 years ago  
    ryan Good job~
    13 years ago
    piepoi weheeeeee... ^^
    13 years ago
  14.      about Korea
    Quiz time!
    Which city isn't in Korea?
    1. Seoul
    2. Busan(Pusan)
    3. InCheon
    4. OSaKa
    13 years ago  
    ryan 자? 자 is ruler and 자다 is sleep
    13 years ago
    Stefanie woo Ok!
    13 years ago
  15. Recommenders: makisan09 other 1
         about Korea
    Happy Lunar New Year Day! We call it 설날. We held a ancestral rites for the ancestors and us in the morning. Especially we have 떡국 cause eating 떡국 means wishing healthy life for the year. and kids have to 세배(greeting for elder people) to parents and relatives after then kids hear good words and money(세뱃돈) from them so every kids waiting for the 설날 due to 세뱃돈.
    What we call the money for the greeting in 설날?
    1. 세뱃돈
    2. 용돈
    3. 월급
    4. 요금
    13 years ago  
    yjgift @라이언 오빠, 설날 잘 보내세요~ ^^
    아까 세배 했으니 세뱃돈 주세용! ᄏᄏ
    13 years ago
    ryan ㅎㅎㅎ 받으러 오세요~!
    13 years ago
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