35 Minds
12 Friends
  1.      about sick
    날씨가 너무 좋습니다 ! If only I wasn't sick
    12 years ago  
    ryan Take care~ -_ -;; You are good at Korean!!
    12 years ago
    Lucyelda I'll try.. Thank you ! :D
    12 years ago
  2.      about upset
    Okay just tried the first Korean test.. I may be learning Korean but I don't understand these long questions ._. Soon I hope ?
    12 years ago  
  3.      about lost
    Still didn't get how to have perfumes ... Do you just need to post things ?
    12 years ago  
    ryan Using this site
    1.If you post something, your plants will grow up and bloom. After that you can make your perfume.
    2.You can play games or else with those perfumes with your friends here.
    3. You will see many features on the textarea.. you can use them when you post
    4.If you give a keyword(we call it mind) in your post, it goes to public timeline too but your plants will grow up better~
    That's all :D
    And follow the ways in "How to learn Korean here?" on the right column
    12 years ago
    Lucyelda Ook I get it now, thanks :D
    12 years ago
  4.      about discovering
    This site is actually so cute omg the bamboo thing and the perfume omg
    12 years ago  
  5. Recommender: ccnutti
         about 홍대광&소유-Goodbye
    Really sweet song~ (I'm testing the website haha)
    12 years ago  
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