  1.      about Italian
    That's how ~studio italiano per l'esame~
    11 years ago  
  2.      about italian
    chi be vive, ben muore
    a good life makes an easy death
    12 years ago  
  3.      about Italian
    Non sapevo che Bibo parla Italiano :´) lol
    12 years ago  
    bibo si parlo unpo
    12 years ago
    12 years ago
  4.      about Italian
    mamma mia!
    12 years ago  
  5.      about Italian
    this is awesome!! *O*
    12 years ago  
    massiekyoko no I dont speak Italian but I found this awesome and like the song very much Cuz I've listened to it since I was younger
    12 years ago
    ElisaPaola Yeah, she did it very good and the song is really nice
    12 years ago
  6.      about Italian
    Di un bacio la mia vita cambiata in un secondo! (Italian)
    With a kiss, my life will change in a second (is the idea)
    Di un baquio la mia vita cambiata in un secondo
    12 years ago  
    ryan 아브라타카타브라~
    12 years ago
    ItKika @Niki hahahaha emm yeah of course it's a kiss of my lovely owl daddy!
    @Chico 부아하하하
    12 years ago
  7.      about Italian
    L'amore che dura un sospiro, ma risuona nella mia mente con un eco infinito (Italian)
    Love that lasts a sigh but resonates in my mind with an infinite echo(?)
    Lamore que dura un sospiro, ma risuona nella mia mente con un eco infinito
    12 years ago  
    NicoleHan no need to sorry kika!!
    12 years ago
    ItKika kkk oke sorry for said sorry(? *kidding hahaha
    12 years ago
  8. Recommender: Reina
         about Italian
    Non importa quanto tempo ci vogliono, io riesco anche a tenere la mano (Italian)
    No matter how long will take, I'll hold your hand
    Non importa quanto tempo chi (shi) vogliono, io riesco anche a tenere la mano
    12 years ago  
    Reina uhh I like how that sounds
    12 years ago
    ItKika ;3
    12 years ago
  9. Recommender: HannaWang
         about Italian

    LOL this is too much for me!!!

    12 years ago  
    ItKika hahaha yeah! moving the hand is easier to do the accent
    12 years ago
    eunhyoonique i like it when they do that hand gesture. ^^
    12 years ago
  10.      about Italian
    Silenzio, qui comando io! *taking the control lol* (Italian)
    Shut up! I have the control here!
    12 years ago  
    ItKika hahahahahaha hmm no no I just eat the brain of Chico
    12 years ago
    Reina hahahahaha Ok Ok x''''''''D poor Ryan!
    12 years ago
  11.      about Italian
    Ti diró come sia dolce il sorriso
    (Ah :') ) (Italian)
    I'll tell you how sweet is the smile
    Ti diró come shi-a dolche il sor-riso
    13 years ago  
  12.      about Italian
    Mi piace ballare (Italian)
    I like to dance(?
    Mi piache bal-lare
    13 years ago  
  13.      about Italian
    Sono stanco (Italian)
    I'm tired
    13 years ago  
  14.      about Italian
    Non parlo Italiano (Italian)
    I don't speak Italian
    13 years ago  
  15.      about Italian
    Non lo sò (Italian)
    I don't know
    13 years ago  
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