61 Minds
16 Friends
  1.      about concert
    should i go to Blood concert????
    13 years ago  
    eglukas i don't know;D didn't listen them before..
    13 years ago
    ryan hmm If you knew their songs, it would be great!
    13 years ago
  2. Recommender: ryan
         about concert
    blah blah blah. WANNA GO TO CONCERT
    13 years ago  
  3. Recommenders: Kim_Loula other 1
         about concert
    I'm really obsessed with concerts! yesterday came back from 2, and now looking for more.. would cool to see Manterou Opera in Europe *.*
    13 years ago  
    Kim_Loula Woah!! Lucky you!! Btw, whre do you live in europe?
    13 years ago
  4. Recommender: ryan
         about concert
    Plunklock and Kaya&Satsuki concerts were AMAZING
    13 years ago  
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