5873 Minds
268 Friends
  1. Recommender: crystal__kiwi
         about Food

    I have shanghai noodles instead

    8 years ago  
    Ninggg 2017 @uphuin no rice tonight???
    8 years ago
    Uphuin 핀 밥도 먹을게,, 괜찮아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    8 years ago
  2.      about Food

    Sweet potato noodles
    A kind of noodles from China
    Usually transparent like green pea nookdes, but usually thicker and much chewy!!

    8 years ago  
    Ryan 이거 진짜 맛있냐??
    8 years ago
    Ninggg 2017 네~~~~~~~
    8 years ago
  3.      about 귀신이야기
    You will remember those experiences forever and clearly hahah
    9 years ago  
    Lord Congrats! @Emmli
    9 years ago
  4.      about 귀신이야기
    So this one is short and about my family. My grandfather passd away when i was young, but before that we have been living together sonce i was born. He liked to "sigh" "aiiiii~~~~~" this way.
    After he passed away, i have heard his "sighs" for 3 times when i was walking pass his bedroom. Honestly, not scary at all, i just told him stay away from bathroom LOL
    9 years ago  
    Qing53 You're so funny I like to hear ghosts stories
    9 years ago
    Eveline 이거 하나도 안 무서워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 할아버지가 iris를 너무 그리워하시는 거 같았지...ㅋㅋㅋ
    9 years ago
  5.      about Habit
    When people want to form healthy habits, they usually find it difficult at the first place, but when they keep doing hat and maintain that desirable behavior for sometime, that behavior eventually become a habit. Friends, guess the magic number of days for a habit to be developed if you are asked to do that behavior everyday!! (Accoding to an experimental research)
    1. 33 days
    2. 66 days
    3. 99 days
    4. 111 days
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 yes it was a random answer
    9 years ago
    Ryan 왜케 길어?!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    9 years ago
  6. Recommender: Soyeon
         about Mind
    Since when I become so lazy to use mind?
    9 years ago  
    Ninggg :X  my laziness is transmitted from you
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  7.      about 유령정원
    일단 일 좀 하자
    9 years ago  
    Ninggg :X At least not aliens kkk
    9 years ago
  8. Recommender: DoNichiArt
         about Mparty
    okay, not a question about name this time! About Korean language!!
    give me two cool responses to "오늘 정말 예쁘네요!"

    first one to answer cooly will give 3 blue!!
    9 years ago  
    최야스권 그래 너가 맞아 의 산책을하자
    9 years ago
    최야스권 그래 네가 맞아
    9 years ago
  9.      about Mparty
    Name 2 friends whose name starts with O
    *Oppa not counted *
    9 years ago  
    Ellyn If only I knew omayma Onni's a good friend
    9 years ago
    Hanna-Riikka Hahah!
    9 years ago
  10. Recommender: ellyn
         about Mparty
    christmas collab from last year (2014)
    9 years ago  
    최야스권  memories
    9 years ago
    Ellyn yeey I'm part of it
    9 years ago
  11.      about Mparty
    Name 5 MP friends whose name has 3 letters!!
    (5 emeralds for winner: first one answer correctly)
    9 years ago  
    아비 Haha I will I will
    9 years ago
    MaRi ok
    9 years ago
  12.      about burnt
    9 years ago  
    Eveline 拉皮是整容哈哈哈哈 iris you are very cute!!
    9 years ago
    Ninggg :X @sam i wish i understand too i was actually asking eve about some meaning of what she typed
    @eVe 那麼"皮" 甚麼的!
    9 years ago
  13. Recommender: ellyn
         about burnt

    If i burn my bread, i only lose perfume
    If you burn your bread, what will happen, chef?

    9 years ago  
    Ninggg :X I may go watch it this week....will let you know XS
    9 years ago
    Ellyn enjoy thanks ~~
    9 years ago
  14.      about 불금
    Back for a bit! kk
    9 years ago  
  15.      about 유령정원
    I think I need a bigger desk to work....will move to dining table from tomorrow....
    9 years ago  
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