22 Minds
29 Friends
  1.      about iwearUP

    my first UP shoes NINA DENIM has arrived , so comfy .. thanks UP @iwearUP

    12 years ago  
  2.      about Barbie

    Yoo Eun Hye , she is a barbie ..

    12 years ago  
    heysusissi i knew her after watched her drama Missing You , i dont why i really like her coz she has a baby face .. You really know all her dramas .. i only know one, missing you kk~ u must watch her drama Missing you , very touching..
    12 years ago
    kwanning0606 I have watched Missing you, like that a lot too, tho the story is a bit sad her make-up and clothing style in that drama really cool!
    12 years ago
  3.      about goodnight
    good night and see ya tomorrow hoammm~
    12 years ago  
    heysusissi good night Iris and see you nora , noraaa.. i ma still waiting here for yogurt kkkk` i think yogurt will come in my dreams :D
    12 years ago
    loomiar see you and take care always
    12 years ago
  4.      about ParkJiYeon

    i dont know why i really love her eyes so much

    12 years ago  
  5.      about hungry
    its always happen , hungry in da midnight .. go to kitchen => refrigerator => no food => and now stay in front of computer or go to sleep ?
    12 years ago  
    noranoona Okay i have strawberry yoghurt *sending............*
    12 years ago
    heysusissi one day later , two days later .........................*
    12 years ago
  6.      about Hello
    welcome back
    12 years ago  
    heysusissi yup , thank you loomiar for your prayers
    12 years ago
    loomiar Your welcome my dear
    12 years ago
  7.      about goodnight
    get well soon my knees ..
    12 years ago  
    nada night have sweet drms ^^
    12 years ago
    Malu Get well soon!
    Sweet dreams!
    12 years ago
  8. Recommender: ElinYasGD
         about WEAREYOUNG

    scrapbook and chocolate ^^

    12 years ago  
    12 years ago
    heysusissi 모닝 too oppa , but now its 8.50 PM here in Indonesia
    12 years ago
  9. Recommender: noranoona
         about WEAREYOUNG

    my friend give this some cute stuff and chocolate for me , i love it .. love the vintage on the scrapbook

    12 years ago  
    heysusissi  thank you nora, btw where are you from ? i forget , really ^^
    12 years ago
    noranoona Egypt ,;;;
    12 years ago
  10.      about hungry
    im home.. really tired today and i havent eaten anything since the morning , so hungry .. uhhhh~
    12 years ago  
  11.      about welcomedecember
    having time with them , happy , tired, all in one .. its time to sleep , good night ..
    12 years ago  
    heysusissi good night ..its 12.49 AM here.. kkk~
    12 years ago
    ElinYasGD night sweet dreams susi
    12 years ago
  12. Recommender: Renegade
         about KOI

    fall in love with KOI for the first time , wanna KOI again .

    12 years ago  
    heysusissi its milk tea from Taiwan , i really fall in love with the taste .. you must try that milk tea dearrr .. i will fall in love too , i swear kkk~
    12 years ago
    loomiar its look so good !!!!
    12 years ago
  13. Recommenders: ElinYasGD other 2
         about kiss

    fish.. fish.. i love you :D

    12 years ago  
    ElinYasGD so cute
    12 years ago
    heysusissi  thank you all
    12 years ago
  14.      about goodnight
    every decision we make has risks, depending on how we accept that risks. night.. night
    12 years ago  
    heysusissi noona : kkkk risky girl , ya i am .
    all : good night all
    12 years ago
    ryan Fighting~~
    12 years ago
  15.      about night
    Good night , everyone .. so sleepy
    12 years ago  
    Mika_ist08 Night dear sleep well~
    12 years ago
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